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I'm running for city council in Arlington...

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madamheidi84 Donating Member (44 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-25-05 05:14 PM
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I'm running for city council in Arlington...
so please allow me to link to two of the articles that came out of my school newspaper this week, so as to illustrate the ignorance of the conservatives just on my campus here at UTA.

Here is the response that I submited today in response to the claims that Morgan made in his article:

I am Heidi Anderson, and I am attempting to win the “at large” district 8 seat on the Arlington city council. This column is a response to Carl Morgan’s totally erroneous claims in his February 25th column, and to allow all of UTA’s students and administration to understand my reasons for running and to explain the goals that I hope to achieve both in my campaign, and in my time as councilwoman if I succeed in my bid.
There is much that I envision when I think of the Arlington I want to play a role in building. I see a flourishing and bustling little metropolis with a small town feel. I see a downtown that is truly the center of the city. I see a downtown that brings people to Arlington from other cities to partake in the services, stores, and entertainment it provides. I envision a downtown that helps to build a true UTA student community where traditions can flourish and our image as a commuter school can finally be laid to rest. There are other issues I feel strongly about.
I want to push for UTA students to get better deals and discounts with local apartment complexes. I want to ensure that the city and UTA work closely with each other in the planning and building of UTA’s special events center. There are many people who do not enjoy sports or theme parks, but would come to Arlington for a concert or to see some other special event. This special events center could be a great thing for both UTA and the city. I want to push for the city to embrace hybrid technology, and for all city vehicles, aside from police cars, to be hybrids. I want to dedicate more land to parks. Arlington does have a respectable amount of parks, but sprawl is still a major problem, and setting land aside for our children to run and play on is important. I know that the councilman who currently holds the position that I seek has previously promised to create a blog on the city’s website where citizens can go to comment, complain, or just ask a question, and I think this is a great idea, and I want to make this happen. I understand the need to bring new businesses into Arlington. The arrival of the Cowboys alone will not save the city from its revenue problems. We need to increase our commercial tax base, which will ease property taxes, create more revenue for the city and the school district, and in turn allows for better city services and better school funding. These are the goals that my candidacy is based on, and none of these goals are politically divisive or partisan in nature.
I ask Carl Morgan, why should Kat Miller publicly denounce support for a fellow UTA student who is attempting to get UTA direct representation on the city council? Maybe Kat was more aware of my goals than you. Maybe she saw the potentially great things that I could do on behalf of you, and the rest of UTA’s student body. Maybe working together for the sake of building a better UTA and a better Arlington was more important to her than promoting the same small-minded “My side = good, your side = bad” politics that seem to permeate our national politics. Maybe Kat knows me better than you, since you do not know me at all this is the most likely scenario, and understands why I am running.
I am running for city council to unify the campus. I am running to create a tradition of student involvement in local politics. I am running, because I love this school and I love this city. There are no ulterior motives or hidden agendas. There is no malicious intent or secret liberal conspiracy. There is just me, walking around campus and trying to get signatures, so that I can have an opportunity to realize what I hope are shared visions for a better Arlington and a greater UTA. If these are things that you, Carl Morgan, do not support then we indeed are “political enemies,” and in this case I cannot say that I am sorry about that.

I had to vent is all. Plus, I like to showcase conservative ignorance whenever I run across it.

Just for fun here's the article I wrote on GannonGuckert that was published in my school newspaper on Tuesday...
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fudge stripe cookays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-25-05 05:17 PM
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1. Good for you!
Think globally, act locally!

Good luck!
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Imalittleteapot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-25-05 05:25 PM
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2. Good Luck Heidi!
I'm in FW and can't vote for you. Shucks. Your article is excellent.
Please submit a very edited version to the FW Star-Telegram.
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pelagius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-25-05 05:26 PM
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3. Way to go!!!!
But am I the only person who's wondering what a "strip auction" is? I have visions, of course, but they're made frightful by this immortal Morgan-penned line:

Surely there are members of the College Republicans who enjoy stripping.

Please help me get the bad pictures out of my head. Thank you and good luck in the election!
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mrbill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-27-05 06:15 AM
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4. good luck, you might need it........
Edited on Sun Feb-27-05 06:16 AM by mrbill
Arlington is a weird place. It's the largest city in the usa without some form of public transportation.

Kiss the small town feel goodbye. Haven't you heard? Arlington is an entertainment Mecca with the ballpark (ameriquest) and Jerry Jones new $650 million sports palace.

UTA has a lot of student consumers, they could be a vital potitical force, but it would be like herding cats.

Good luck and admiration for your idealism.

on edit: major spacing error

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