Let Gov. Perry, GOP Know They Got an 'F' This Session The Tarrant County Democratic Party will stage a rally this Sunday, June 5, at Riverside Park in Fort Worth at 3:45 p.m. Participants will march to the Cavalry Cathedral Academy to greet Governor Rick Perry. "Rick Perry left Texas children behind, but he will be in Fort Worth this Sunday for a rally and photo opportunity, pandering to his base and trying to scare off a primary challenge," says TCDP Executive Director Nile Fischer. "After all, when one can use a church as a film set and its people as props, who will ask him why 4.4 million Texas children remain shortchanged? WE WILL!"
Gov. Perry will be at the school to sign legislation making minor changes to existing abortion law and the upcoming constitutional election concerning gay marriage - an institution already illegal in Texas. In a widely distributed e-mail, Perry supporters sought to fill the audience with "pro-family Christian friends who can celebrate with us."
But Texas schoolchildren won't be celebrating, Fischer said.
"The Republican leadership has failed our children for the third time," Fischer said. "They called three special sessions to redraw congressional lines for Tom DeLay, but when it came time to finance our children's schools, they have failed in 2003, 2004, and 2005. And despite a court order to improve our schools, they even tried to pass a costly private school voucher plan that would have drained more money from our children's schools.
"Our kids get three attempts to pass the TAKS test - and if they fail, they cannot advance," Fischer said. "Perry, Craddick, and Dewhurst have failed Texas children three times. They should be held to the same accountability standard they demand of our school children. Three strikes, YOU'RE OUT!"
The TCDP rally will begin at 501 Oakhurst Scenic Dr (east of I-35N & Yucca Ave). ALL SIGNS WILL BE PROVIDED. For more information, contact TCDP at 817-335-8683.