Rick Noriega for US Senator.
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Tue Jun-07-05 05:13 PM
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Rick Noriega for US Senator. |
Rick Noriega has been a State Rep for a number of years. He is a LT Colonel serving in Afghanistan. Due to come back in August. Well respected.
Just a thought.
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Tue Jun-07-05 05:44 PM
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1. Works for me, but If not that........... |
I'd love to see him challenge Al Green in the primary in the 9th. Al Green did Tom Delay's bidding and took the Repuke $$$ and filed against Chris Bell. I don't recall the exact stats, but it's something like 35% Black and 32% Hispanic. Probably a majority of the Whites are Repuke/Rednecks. But the Dem primary winner takes it all. I can see some Repuke crossover to cast a vote for a returning vet.
Noriega in the 9th Quan in the 7th Lampson in the 22nd
I know others have been talking about it. Maybe about the senate seat too. I heard when Rick was home a couple of months ago for R&R he didn't want to discuss any of it until he gets back.
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Wed Jun-08-05 12:56 AM
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Melissa has been serving out his Legislative term while he's been serving. She's a sharp woman too. They would make a great team to send to D.C.
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Wed Jun-08-05 05:21 AM
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What a natural! She was up and running when she got to Austin.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:54 AM
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