And yes I can believe there were people there protesting her. The pro-pollution people - totally sick. Well why don't they all relocate to the the areas directly around these polluters, if they are so fond of their exports. Support your local polluter, move next door.
Brockovich said the dangers posed by an industrial society could be nothing less than catastrophic if not held in check.
"We’ve allowed these technological advances to surpass our humanity," Brockovich said. "We’ve got to make major changes in the way we look at our problems, because otherwise we won’t be around to solve them or healthy enough to enjoy our lives."
One of Brockovich’s bosses, attorney Jim Vititoe addressed the crowd before she did and bemoaned the state of affairs in Texas with regard to environmental law.
"It’s a shame that people in Texas have such a high standard of causality that they have to reach before they can get help with the health problems industrial pollution causes," Vititoe said. "I encourage each and every one of you to go and get in touch with your elected representatives and do everything you can to get that law changed, because it’s not right."