Are all democrats invited to the state convention?
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:22 PM
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Are all democrats invited to the state convention? |
Hi all,
I have heard that all democrats (regardless of rather or not they are a delegate/alternate) are invited to come to the state convention.
Can anyone confirm rather or not this is correct?
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:54 PM
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1. Not just all Democrats... |
Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 04:54 PM by VelmaD
everyone is welcome. All you have to do is sign in to get a visitors pass. :) Unlike the Republicans, we want everyone to come and see democracy in action.
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:59 PM
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We need a good turnout. We are the big tent party after all. We hear that all you need is an ID to get a visitors pass. You don't even have to be a Texan.
Come on Friday and hear John Edwards speak.
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Mon Jun-07-04 10:41 PM
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As a visitor, you can attend any meeting, forum, and caucus. Visitors are not allowed on the convention floor. There is a separate area for visitors.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:47 AM
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