The following is a call to action from one of the Leander DSM 3rd Anniversary Party's attendees who is looking to for a sort of activist coalition/think tank group.
First, to the hostess of the party in Austin, way to go for having a full event!!! That is very encouraging for the Austin community. The attendees at catabryna's party were thrilled that there was no room for us at your party.
To the rest who stepped up to the plate to host and attend this most important event, thank you. You are the true patriots of this country.
At our party in Leander, we discussed what kind of follow up we could intiate and sustain to bring these most grievous and world threatening concerns to the general public as a grassroots effort. If you have had similar experiences as the attendees at catabryna's party and myself have had, you know, the vacuous stare of an friend, relative or acquaintance when you try to discuss the implications of what is really going on with our diabolical governmental administration, well, it appears less than hopeful that We, The People have a chance in hell of going anywhere but down, even with these smoking guns of betrayal and criminal activity!
However, the conference call was inspiring and I think I felt the group energy "sizzle" as the call went on.
So, that's where we, as a multi-talented and hugely resourceful group of dedicated citizens, come in.
I believe that we can pool our talents, time and resources to bring this area of Texas to awareness.
melissinha had a great idea that we get our own website going with info and links.
Another attendee thought posting a large ad in Austin American Statesman with awareness raising info would be a dynamic way of reaching people without the huge, possibly insurmountable effort of trying to get the Statesman to give coverage.
I think setting up tables etc. in front of local liberal bookstores (ie Book People, etc), coffee houses ( of course with their permission) to sign petitions and provide information to passersby is another of potentially limitless ways we can raise awareness and stir some activism in the heart of the most apathetic citizen!
So, what I'm asking for is some feedback about this networking idea. If you think there is some merit to forming a networking coalition of "Austin and Surrounding Area Downing St and Rovegate Activists", then send us your ideas. If you are a host of a party and feel this to be a good idea, contact your attendees and forward this email to them.
I look forward to any responses you may have.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
Peace and blessings
If you would like to participate, please respond to this thread or PM me, I can forward your contact info to our group organizers.