Here's a post from CodePink members
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005
From: Debbie Russell
Subject: Ongoing Action in Crawford!
Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside Bush's ranch has gained international
attention and help is needed to further the action:
CodePink and the coalition running the Crawford Peace House are moblizing for financial support and people to help out with getting supplies -- national CodePinkers are flying in tonite to head to Crawford and need folksto assist.
Please read the calls from the Peace House and from CodePink:
We are in the process of mobilizing support For Cindy Sheehan's protest Monetary donations are needed and can be sent to:
Crawford Peace House
P.O. Box 710218
Dallas, Tx. 75371-0218
Call john for bank wire info pay pal to be set up on web site soon
e-mail can be sent to
our website is are located:
In the center of Crawford, Texas on Hwy185 and the railroad tracks
9142 5th Street Crawford, Tx. 76638-3037
The Vigil is on Prairie Chapel road near the entrance to Bush’s ranch
Dear CODEPINK Texans:
This weekend Diane Wilson and Cindy Sheehan bravely headed to the Bush family ranch in Crawford, TX to demand an audience from the President himself. Not surprisingly he has refused to come outside and acknowledge their presence and has retreated inside the compound far from reach. The women intend stay outside and have launched a hunger strike until Bush responds.
CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans is on her way to Crawford to bring some humanitarian aid to the women. If you are on the ground in the vicinity of Dallas/Austin/Crawford, WE NEED YOUR HELP!! We need people in the area that are able to pick up supplies locally and get them to the ranch. The conditions are extreme and the women need our support!!!
If you are able to help out, please contact us ASAP:
Tiffany at (310) 836-8175 or
Whitney at (323) 595-9169 or
Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq, is holding vigil in
Crawford, Texas until she gets a meeting with George Bush. She has some simple questions to ask him: "Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for? If the cause is so noble, why don’t you send your twins?" She also has a clear demand: "Honor our sacrifices by bringing our nation's sons and daughters home from a war based on lies and deceptions."
On Saturday, as Cindy marched towards the ranch where Bush is vacationing for 33 days, she and her supporters, including CODEPINK cofounder Diane Wilson, were stopped by local sheriffs, who pushed them into a ditch with fire ants in 100 degree heat. Cindy was undeterred: "I am not leaving until I meet with George Bush and he answers my questions about the death of my son. This is the beginning of the end of the war in Iraq," she said.
Inspired by the power of Cindy’s determination Diane pledged that CODEPINK would join her in solidarity by staging a hunger strike. Diane has already begun her fast and many of us are making our way to Crawford to join her, including Ann Wright, former US Army colonel and senior diplomat who resigned after 35 years of service because of the Iraq war (Cindy, Diane and Ann all have powerful essays in our book Stop The Next War Now).
Knowing that every day lives are being lost in the war on Iraq, Cindy, Diane and Ann have taken an uncompromising position. This is a powerful moment in our struggle that cannot be overlooked by any of us who care deeply about the lives that are being wasted in this immoral war. When we are given the opportunity to witness someone else’s courage in the face of struggle, it is a gift. An even greater gift comes when we are presented with the possibility of joining boldly in that struggle.
Here are ways you can stand with them:
· Come to Crawford or donate money or miles so others can come
· Fast in solidarity from home
· Spread the word by contacting the press
This vigil and fast follows in the footsteps of all those throughout history who have taken extreme action, putting their own needs aside to save our humanity. We are reminded of another great soul, Robin Cooke, former British Foreign Secretary who, in 2003, resigned from Blair’s cabinet in protest of the invasion of Iraq. Cooke died on Saturday, but his courageous example lives on for all of us to follow until the last foreign soldier leaves Iraq.
In solidarity,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tiffany
Friends of Peace and Justice