Supplies are Plentiful in CrawfordDUE TO THE BIG HEART OF TEXANS, supplies being donated in Crawford are getting larger than demand. Please call the Crawford Peace House at 254-486-0099 to see what they need. The one thing that is constantly needed: ICE. They do need bodies ANY DAY/S YOU CAN GO, but be ready to work in some hot weather.
General NEWSA new networking forum has been created for ridesharing, news updates, links to blogs, etc. please "create a new account" and keep plugged in.
Drums, Not War - Texas-based drumming group arriving tonight to drum for peace in Camp Casey.
The full moon is Thursday-great week for camping! Slumber party in the works via CodePink Friday night (CP breakfast Sat. 8am at Camp Casey).
Events are in the works for Saturday in Crawford. Bush is hosting Lance Armstrong at the ranch then...lots of potential since Lance has recently spoken against the war (saying money could be better spent on cancer research). bike activist in Tulsa, OK, is trying to drum up support for a
Critical Mass bike ride to Crawford very soon--to respond to Cindy's suggestion that this war is for oil. Save to Crawford! Watch the new forum for news or contact Paul at
(edited from a post by Debbie Russell of Code Pink)
Looks like Saturday is going to be another rally day. I would love to be able to make it. Seems to me that even having a bike ride from the Peace House to Camp Casey would be a great idea.