Let me state the bottomline right up front, so you can read my rant below if and when you do have the time :-) (This missive is in response to numerous phone calls I have received from folks at DMN asking us to come back to the fold.)
I will resubscribe to DMN if some much needed changes are made to your news coverage and slant. War times demand nothing less of both the media and the citizenry. Even without a catastrophic war of choice, the media's job is to hold those who holds the reins of the country accountable for their actions; not become an extension of their already vast set of tentacles.
In one sentence, here is the change I would like to see: hold the Republicans accountable -- not because they are, but because they do control everything in the country and how the nation survives this Iraq crisis (precipitated by gross media negligence, I might add) is dependent on how well we (the media and the citizenry) can get them to change that which is going wrong.
<...Personal info deleted for DU...> Here is the background/rant:
I have probably subscribed to the DMN for almost all of the 12 some years I have lived in Plano. I cancelled it some time ago, because I could not take the one-sided cheerleading for Mr. Bush in the run up to the war and subsequently, the election.
It was not merely the one-sidedness that bothered me: the DMN seemed to have degenerated to the same of level of feigned stupidity as cable TV in holding people out of power (aka Democrats and Independents and any non-administration cheerleaders in general, such as every non-FAUX news reporter/anchor/host) to ridiculous standards of perfection (as witnessed by the vicious, mean-spirited assaults on Max Cleland: when was the last time he controlled anything? why is the most powerful man on the planet not subject to the same standards?), while letting those controlling every lever of Government (aka Republicans) literally get away with murder (Iraq war, anthrax attacks on Democratic leaders in Congress, mysterious plane crashes of Democratic senators days before elections, shameless shameless shameless morphing of Democratic leaders into terrorists, deliberate, cheap and reckless endangerment of national security assets in outing a CIA agent etc).
If and when you begin to rectify this process (and let me know about it!) I will resubscribe to your paper -- I did enjoy, and do sorely miss, the daily crosswords!!