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Another stupid comment from DMN blog

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CoolOnion Donating Member (860 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 09:53 AM
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Another stupid comment from DMN blog
This post made me mad. Anonymous people have been protesting this war since the beginning--before that, in fact. Now, Victoria Loe Hicks states her disdain for Cindy Sheehan, but says the country needs more anonymous Americans "expressing their convictions." GOOD GOD!! What does she think we've been doing all this time? The media won't cover "anonymous Americans." They demand a "face," and now that we have Cindy Sheehan to bring attention to our cause, they don't like it! Damn, I hate the Dallas Morning News. Anyway, here's the comment--feel free to answer her at the email posted below.
War protests
Much as I hate and oppose the war, Cindy Sheehan's me-me-me approach leaves me a little queasy. But the photos of the vigils in this morning's paper are an entirely different matter. That's what this country needs more of: numbers of anonymous Americans, peacefully expressing their convictions.

So, I guess I've got to hand it to Ms. Sheehan: She's accomplished something worthwhile.

posted by Victoria Loe Hicks @ Aug 18, 9:46 AM
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sui generis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 10:03 AM
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1. Hey Victoria Loe Hicks - you've finally gotten some attention!
Yes she is accomplishing something worthwhile - but don't you think your blog isn't nauseating too? All about you you you.

I'm happy that you are against the war, and commend you for that. We cannot hide behind anonymity, because it's too easy to dismiss an anonymous face, too easy to say that a nameless faceless voice doesn't count as much or speak for as many.

Join us in taking steps forward, not backwards, not status quo, not anonymous.

We went into this war for weapons of mass destruction, based on a complete fabrication.

If George Bush had said we're going into a pre-emptive war virtually alone to bring democracy and invisible purple ink to the "poor savages" in Iraq, we would have impeached him on the spot. Why do we support him now, after the fact, after the rules that keep our dead coming home in their aluminum coffins away from the honor of national notice, illegal to show in the press?

Why aren't more of us asking why? Come be on our side.
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jburton Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 12:24 PM
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2. The DMN "blog" is just newsroom masturbation
It isn't really a "blog", more like a peek at the intra-office e-mail musings of the DMN staff.

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PunkPop Donating Member (847 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 01:15 PM
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3. You could make an entire career out of
finding stupid comments on the DMN "blog".

Victoria Loe Hicks can kiss my ass. She's a Belo whore.

A guy from Ft. Worth called in to Mike Malloy a couple of nights ago. He related a story about reading Rod Dreher's comments accusing Cindy of being anti-semitic. The source Dreher used was some Holocaust denier and so the guy writes in to point it out. Of course, he's ignored. He then calls the DMN and they put him through to that freak (I despise that cowardly, hypocritical POS).

Dreher picks up, "Oh yeah, you're the guy that wrote me the email. I don't have time for you". Click.

Newsroom masturbation is right. I don't know why they even have it. It just exposes more openly (like we didn't already know) the paper's rightwing/corporate bias.

Shame that's our only choice of a daily newspaper. It's such a piece of shit.
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