To my fellow DU'ers in Texas
Sweet Freedom
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:02 PM
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To my fellow DU'ers in Texas |
I'm about to shut down the computer and wrap it in plastic. Wind is picking up a bit and clouds are forming in the skies here in Sugar Land. We are west of the eye and just expect to get highs winds and rain, so we're sticking it out.
Trust your instincts to stay safe (unless your instincts typically stink. Then pull a George Costanza and do the opposite. :))
Good luck to all of you in Rita's path. Stay dry and safe and be sure to check back in here when you can. (I'm sure we'll be without power for a while!)
Take care and good luck!
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:07 PM
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1. Good luck to you - I hope all you DUers will be safe. |
Best wishes from Germany!
Remember Fallujah
Bush to The Hague!
Medical Speaking
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:13 PM
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2. Good Luck Texas Du"ers |
And God Bless You. Be Safe
Semper Fi
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:16 PM
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and Godspeed from Massachusetts
Catherine Vincent
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:17 PM
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4. Same to you my friend. Good luck to us all in the storm's path. |
When is the best time to unplug the puter? Now or like 10:00 tonight?
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:18 PM
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5. Back at you dist22dem! n/t |
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:33 PM
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:51 PM
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7. Rita: Don't Mess with Texas |
naw seriously, everybody stay safe.... don't spend your entire life's savings on gasoline in getting out. take care....
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Fri Sep-23-05 03:55 PM
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We are staying put in Southwest Houston. Hope you and your family are safe and secure... :hug:
fudge stripe cookays
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Fri Sep-23-05 04:24 PM
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We'll leave the light on for ya!
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Fri Sep-23-05 04:42 PM
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10. Good Luck to everyone riding this out! |
You're in my thoughts.
Stay safe and dry. As soon as you can be sure to let us know that you've made it okay.
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Fri Sep-23-05 05:23 PM
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From the DFW area, we wish you well...:grouphug:
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Fri Sep-23-05 05:35 PM
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We're out here in Georgetown, going to close up for the evening here ourselves. We'll be thinking of you all...good luck!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:02 AM
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