If you would prefer to attend a free event, rather than pay full price for the opening of F911, check this out:
Hello Happy Democrats
The University of Houston Clear Lake has invited us to attend Michael Moore’s movie Bowling for Columbine this Friday at 7 PM in the Bayou Building (room 2512) for FREE.
We need to support their efforts to bring progressive movies to the University so let’s see if we can get a large group to attend.
The University is located at 2700 Bay Area Blvd. Here are the directions: Enter UHCL campus at entrance #1 off Bay Area Blvd. I believe it’s University Dr. Stay on this road until you cross a small bridge. The first intersection after the small bridge is Bayou. Make a right onto Bayou. The road curves and you’ll see a large building on the left. You’ll see signs on your right pointing to a parking area on the left in front of the Bayou Bldg.. You may park anywhere in this parking lot. Although the sign may say student parking, after noon on Friday, it is open to the public. Room 2512 B is on the second floor across from the library.
Please attend if you can.