Hit the ground running early, early, early.
I say this from personal experience. In conjunction with Amendment II Democrats (a site for pro-gun Democrats), I started e-mailing every Texas Democratic candidate for the House and Senate that I could get my hands on. This was about 6-7 weeks before the primaries. And even still, response from candidates has been light. I was fortunate to get hold of Dan Dodd (who's challenging Sam "Nuke Syria" Johnson in the 3rd District) and Roger Owen (1st District), and they supplied me with some great answers. John Courage declined to participate. I've got two others who are saying they'll get back to me after the primaries.
But once again, I started doing this project about six weeks ago on behalf of a website that most Democrats haven't even heard of yet. Your project is worthwhile and noble, but it sounds like you're starting to poll the candidates one week before the primaries. I would not count on a heavy response at this point.
Next time around, start sending out the questionnaires the day after New Year's. If they don't respond within a couple of days, hit them with another e-mail. Persistence is key, but so is a suitable timeframe.