March 1, 2006, 10:44PM
DeLay team canvasses for clues in Dist. 22
Campaign crew is using finely tuned technology typically seen in national races
Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle
Prosecutors have asked a travel agency to turn over records on a trip Tom DeLay took with Jack Abramoff. PAGE B7
Those campaign block-walkers have eagle eyes and sharp ears. Got an Aggie flag in your yard or a Jesus fish stuck on your car? Duly noted. Mention that your son is in the Navy? Got it.
Such are the snippets of data that Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Sugar Land, has gleaned as his campaign has labored for months to target existing and potential supporters. They're working house by house across the 22nd Congressional District in advance of Tuesday's four-way GOP primary.
The nuts-and-bolts information gathered during those house calls — whether constituents back DeLay, if they want a yard sign or bumper sticker, and if they'd like to get more information from the campaign — is gold to the DeLay team.
For DeLay, a 22-year incumbent who is fighting for another term, the intelligence is critical to his goal of wringing as large a margin as he can out of a primary contest that may wind up being closer than he would prefer.
(snip/...)'s a clue for them: