It will be apparent when they go off to college, unless of course they go to Liberty University, ie Falwell's nightmare of a college.
I didn't see anything about the grade level of the class. Did I miss something?
On the matter of evolution, there is no pretense of balance. "The theory of evolution has no real scientific basis. ... There is simply no true scientific support for the theory," according to the ACE version of American history.
(In the interest of balance, type "statement on evolution" into Google and you will find solid support from virtually every scientific organization.)
The textbook goes on to set up a false choice between evolution and God. "Both cannot be right. Is it logical to trust Darwin or God? It is odd that whenever given the choice of accepting the Bible or some man-written book, the liberals always reject the Bible and accept the other book."
I had hoped to discuss educational philosophy with officials from ACE. But after they heard my questions, I got a polite decline.
I'm sure they're nice, well-intentioned folks and all that.
But a question comes to mind: If they teach that God is only on their side, how is that different from those we fight in Iraq?
The curriculum is published by Accelerated Christian Education. And that company started right here – in Lewisville.
Though ACE is now headed up in Florida, its distribution and other facilities in Lewisville are valued at more than $20 million on county tax rolls.