WHEREAS, the Illinois Federation of Teachers has a long history of support for all working people and is committed to equal opportunity and equal pay for working men and women; and
WHEREAS, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) has documented extensive instances of unfair and illegal workplace practices at Wal-Mart and its affiliates such as Sam’s Club, as well as numerous acts of illegal anti-union activity on the part of Wal-Mart’s executives and supervisors; and
WHEREAS, Wal-Mart has constructed its stores using non- union labor, neglected to pay workers overtime, prevented employees from taking rest and lunch breaks, and forced them to work off the clock; and
WHEREAS, women comprise 70 percent of all employees at Wal-Mart and have been paid 4.5 to 5.6 percent less than their male counterparts as Wal-Mart systematically denies women equal pay and promotions; and
WHEREAS, in California alone it is estimated that taxpayers pay over $20 million annually to subsidize health care benefits for employees who get none as Wal-Mart employees. Consumer savings are offset by higher insurance premiums and higher taxes in order to cover government benefits to underpaid employees; and
WHEREAS, Wal-Mart managers throughout the country are informed about government social programs available to their underpaid employees and are able to pass these costs on to taxpayers. Some of these programs include Medicaid and food stamps; and
WHEREAS, Wal-Mart is the biggest importer of goods from China in the United States and over 85 percent of the goods it sells are imported; and
WHEREAS, Wal-Mart is the largest corporation and largest employer in the U.S. It sets the standard for competitors and is a model of profitability for other corporations. Wal-Mart sacrifices workers through low wages, unattainable promotions and unaffordable benefits in order to drive down costs and boost corporate profits; and
WHEREAS, communities lose due to Wal-Mart’s predatory pricing. Wal-Mart sells goods at below cost until they drive out local businesses. When they capture the market they raise prices and, in numerous cases, locate or re-locate outside of the town boundaries, thus avoiding their fair share of local taxes. Unlike locally owned businesses, Wal-Mart takes profits out of the community; and
WHEREAS, Wal-Mart has fired pro-union workers, eliminated jobs when workers joined unions, and illegally discouraged workers from joining unions; and
WHEREAS, union women earn 31% more in wages than non-union workers, are 2 ½ times more likely to have pension coverage, and twice as likely to have health insurance coverage; and
WHEREAS, we as teachers and education workers are well aware of the damaging effects of poverty and sub- standard employment on the families of our students, and the additional challenges such students often face; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Illinois Federation of Teachers educate its members on the high costs of shopping at Wal-Mart, its unfair treatment of employees, and its effects on all working families; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the IFT urge members to patronize union stores and to protest Wal-Mart’s expansion in Illinois; and be it finally
RESOLVED, that the IFT support organizing and legal efforts by UFCW and other organizations in their attempts to support Wal-Mart employees fighting discrimination and unfair treatment and support their right to join a union.
Another one:
WHEREAS, Wal-Mart plans to build a 141,000 square foot store, its fourth Mercer County store, at a location on Spruce Street in Lawrence Township on the border of Ewing Township.
WHEREAS, the site that has been selected by Wal-Mart is located in an area that is already heavily congested by traffic and adjacent to largely residential areas of the Township which would significantly affect the quality of life for Ewing Township’s residential community.
WHEREAS, traffic consultants have already estimated that at least 1,100 vehicles will drive in and out of the Wal-Mart parking lot during a single peak hour on a Saturday and since the proposed development is situated at the corner of Spruce Street and Arctic Parkway which would cause severe traffic gridlock.
WHEREAS, the construction of Wal-Mart would severely impede the Township of Ewing’s redevelopment plans and goals for the Olden Ave. Business district and adjacent areas designated for redevelopment by the township and adversely affect the economic revitalization of the town-ship.
WHEREAS, the proposal for the Wal-Mart store includes construction of a tire and lube express garage and
WHEREAS, the proposed Wal-Mart site borders on a wetland area adjacent to a creek that has experienced flooding and
WHEREAS, experience has shown that the Wal-Mart Corporation has had a poor safety and environmental record nationwide.
WHEREAS, construction of a Wal-Mart store will cause grave and detrimental impact to the overall quality of life, economic development and redevelopment and increased noise and traffic congestion in the township.
WHEREAS, the Township of Ewing receives no financial benefits in the way of ratables from the development and Whereas the Township of Lawrence will receive an estimated $300,000 in ratables from Wal-Mart and
WHEREAS, the Township of Ewing will be forced to bear the burden of increase traffic congestion causing the township to bear the full burden and financial expense for the installation of new traffic signals and highway construction and realignment not to mention increased police patrols for traffic and
WHEREAS, increased vigilance and police presence will be required for increased crime due to the location of a major retail store in the area.
SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Ewing that we find that the location and construction of aWal-Mart store on Spruce Street in Lawrence Township would be detrimental to the Township of Ewing and its long term interests, and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Ewing that since the Wal-Mart development lies within 200 feet of the border of the Township of Ewing and the Township of Lawrence and
WHEREAS, for all of the aforementioned reasons, The Township Council of the Township of Ewing by this resolution recommends to the Honorable Mayor of the Township of Ewing, Wendell Pribilla, that he and his Administration file with the Planning Board of the Township of Lawrence the necessary papers setting forth the Township of Ewing’s objection and opposition to the construction of Wal-Mart on Spruce Street.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Council of the Township of Ewing direct that the Acting Municipal Clerk, Etta Kimbrough forward certified copies of this resolution to the Mayor and Council and Planning Boards of the Township of Lawrence and the City of Trenton and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township Council of the Township of Ewing direct that the Acting Municipal Clerk also forward certified copies of this resolution to the County Executive and the Board of Chosen Freeholders and County Planning Board.
Yet another one:
Whereas; Wal-Mart refuses to pay it’s employees (associates) a living wage.
Whereas; Wal-Mart ranks last among retailers in terms of equality and fairness to women.
Whereas; Wal-Mart has lawsuits pending on wage issues in Indiana, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, California, Iowa, Oregon, Georgia, New York, Colorado, and Wisconsin.
Whereas; Wal-Mart has more law suits, including sexual harassment and discrimination, pending against it from it’s workers than any other corporation in the world.
Whereas; Wal-Mart destroys three jobs for every two that it creates.
Whereas; Wal-Mart has a strong history of non-involvement in local community services projects. Be it resolved; that we will not patronize Wal-Mart for any of its office supplies or other merchandise. Be it further Resolved; we will not accept receipts from Wal-Mart for reimbursement for any of our sponsored events.