1. We went down to Sugarland for the press conference for the
Tom DeLay movie. Just watching the teaser on the website makes my skin crawl.
2. Went to my girlfriend's voting location so she could vote in the primary. Turn out was LOW. There was a man trying to recall Mayor Manlove of Pasadena outside of the school. He said that the mayor decided to stop letting people speak at City Council meetings down there. Constitution mean anything to them? NOPE.
3. Went to my primary location to participate in the Democratic Precinct Convention. I was the only one in my precinct, so that meant I voted myself Precinct Chair and the sole delegate to the State Senate District Convention in a couple of weeks. Judging by the turnout of the other precincts, it looks pretty good that I'll be a State Delegate to Fort Worth in June.
4. Went to
Jim Henley's victory party, which was cool. Almost every member of the
Harris County Young Democrats were there and a few
Democracy for Houston people. He's got a good shot in November!