If you don't like Kinky, here's what you can do:
(1) Take your friends who didn't vote in the primary to lunch and explain to them why they should support a local candidate in the run off. Here in Nueces County, we have run offs in
...(a) local Democratic Party chair race and one of the candidates is a part of Wal-Mart's management team (which cause me to doubt he's going to get behind any fair wage or fair health coverage access resolutions, see <
http://citiesforprogress.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54>, <
http://www.citiesforprogress.org/pdfs/WalMartFactSheet.pdf>, <
...(b) a judicial race where one candidate has served honorably as an elected Democrat for 40 years as a state representative and a judge versus a candidate who has no judicial experience and has never served the Democratic Party in any capacity;
...(c) a sheriff race where people with very strong feelings are on both sides of the run off.
Some of your best local candidates are probably also involved in run off elections -- please support them, and please bring someone to the polls who didn't vote in the primary because we need to support our best candidates and we ought to simultaneously shrink the pool for Kinky's petition.
(2) Take your friends who didn't vote in the primary to lunch and explain to them why they should come to the support Barbara Ann Radnoffsky instead of the joke candidate; this is an important election where we should all have a clear preference for Barbara, and this race should also shrink the number of people to sign Kinky's petition.
(3) Remind your friends who didn't vote in primary that Kinky hasn't bothered to vote except once in the past 12 years, and that one vote was when he voted for Bush/Cheney in '04 -- remind them of all the important elections, all the great candidacies, and all the important ballot issues where Kinky hasn't been bothered to support Texans and why Texans should not be bothered to support him now.
(4) If your friends are not convinced that Kinky's vote for Bush/Cheney in '04 disqualifies him from their support, as a last measure (or a first measure perhaps if your friends are Republicans), remind them that even Republicans deserve a choice in November, and not a choice between Perry and a joke, see <