14 - Just when you recover from Tom DeLay talking like an uneducated snake-handling backwoods hick who thinks the rooster really does make the sun rise, along comes Tom’s best buddy, State Representative Charlie Howard. The following was published in a statewide magazine.
No, really. I’m fryin’ if I’m lyin’. Charlie Howard thinks that way.
Short dose of reality for Charlie: The Pythagorean theory is also a theory, but dagnabbit, if you’re going to compute the hypotenuse of a right triangle, there’s not much else that works as good.
Gravity is a theory. I can almost promise you that things don’t fall to the ground because of some magic mojo voodoo thing that Delilah said to Goliath. Gravity is just a theory, but I wouldn’t pick a fight with it if I were you because it’s got better than even odds that it’s gonna win.
This is what happens when we let political scientists mess with real science. They think it’s magic.
Polite suggestions for politicians: If you don’t understand science, shuddup about it because you look like an idiot. Impolite suggestion for politicians: Quit making God look like a tiny little freak with a personality disorder. God is bigger than your head, and that, you twit, is no theory.