You all have my permission to use this as a base for your own letter if you care to. I've also included a table of contact info for each Dem Senator + Jeffords in my post in GD-Politics.
Dear Senator {_________}:
As a Democrat living in Texas, I find myself in the situation of having two staunchly Republican, pro-George Bush Senators – therefore I am without meaningful representation in the US Senate.
For that reason I must rely on the members of entire Democratic Senate caucus to represent my views on a national level.
It is with this spirit that I respectfully ask you, and every one of your colleagues, to support Senator Feingold’s censure resolution of President Bush.
There is no better time for this than now: the President’s approval ratings are in steep decline, elections are looming in November, and much of the country is looking for an articulate alternative to the Republicans’ vision of ‘national security’, which includes elective war, outing intelligence operatives, outsourcing our port operations and gutting civil liberties.
Voters all over this country are hungry for change, hungry for a voice, and hungry for an alternative to the vision of the Bush Republicans.
Senator Feingold has provided a vehicle that will hold the President to account, and at the same time communicate Democratic values: keeping the nation secure does not require sacrificing the liberties that make us unique and free.
It has been said that all politics are local. While this is true in some respects, it is also true that some local politics are national. (Look at the terrible implications on national policy that the Republican voters in Texas District 22 have had since they first elected Tom DeLay 22 years ago.) This is one of those cases – support of Senator Feingold’s resolution will not only impact your constituents, but will speak for all of us throughout the rest of the country who are desperate for a voice.
Thank you for your consideration,
Contact info here: