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Charlie Urbina-Jones: The Texas Agenda

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PDittie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-16-06 06:12 AM
Original message
Charlie Urbina-Jones: The Texas Agenda
Edited on Thu Mar-16-06 06:15 AM by PDittie
To the Democrats of Texas
RE: Our Future

I sent the following email to the SDEC & Leadership of the Party. While they will decide the interim Chair on April 22nd I still want to hear from you.

Regardless the outcome I will be a candidate at the State Democratic Convention in Ft. Worth. But until then let's have an honest discussion on what we want, as Democrats, to do and where we want to go.

It is time that our voices be heard, it is time that the Party start listening, it is time that WE take OUR PARTY BACK. We are the People's Party! and it's time we act like.

Email me because I want to hear from You! And I want to know: WHAT DO YOU WANT THE PARTY TO BECOME!

In the spirit of Justice, Equality & Freedom -


“Having a vision is great but having a plan is even better…”

Since November I’ve been traveling all over Texas talking with the People and listening to what they think the Texas Democratic Party needs. I’ve done this because I believe in the Texas Democratic Party. I believe that the People are the party and without the People we lose who we are as a party… it’s time we give the party back to the People.

The Texas Agenda is a collection of the insight and ideas we’ve heard from Democrats all over Texas. It’s an outline of the things I hope all Texas Democrats will help me with when I become State Party Chair. Keep in mind the Agenda will keep growing as you contribute new ideas because without you the party does not exist. It is you the People who are the heart and soul of the Texas Democratic Party.

* Our party should be run from the ground up not the top down. For this state to turn blue we need to win at the local level first. We need to build a strong foundation to support all Democratic candidates regardless of what they’re running for.

* As Democrats we must ensure that all local parties have the necessary resources they need to do their job at the grassroots level, whether it is getting basic office supplies, improving technological resources or providing information for walk lists, phone banks etc.

* As Democrats we must mount a coordinated campaign to help our statewide Democratic candidates defeat the Republicans in November. We can do it and we can win!!

* We need to ensure that every candidate has full access to all resources and technology available from TDP along with the full support of our staff year-round.

* “Our Diversity is Our Strength”, our leadership should reflect this and we should embrace and protect the views of all Democrats. I believe that every Democrat has full and equal ownership of our party.

* We believe that every Democrat should have the opportunity to run if they choose to do so. I intend to offer regular regional candidate training/informational sessions so that regardless of how much candidates can raise they have the basic tools they need to run competitive campaign.

* We need to encourage and support more women to run for elected office. With over 50% of the Texas population being female I believe our elected leadership should reflect this. We will aim high and elect women to the courthouse, the statehouse and eventually the White House.

* We need to find alternative financial resources (from the grassroots to large donors) and keep enrolling sustaining members; many people do not give because they are not compelled to. We need strong leadership, a strong message and an effective statewide infrastructure.

* As Democrats we need to encourage and empower our youth, they are our future. We must mentor and guide them for the benefit of the state and national party.

* With our environment in danger we need to promote business savvy, eco-friendly ideas for legislation in Texas and in DC. We must protect our natural resources now and ensure they exist for our future.

* We need to run a fiscally responsible party, we need to update our procedural process, encourage more dialogue from everyone, use our resources efficiently as well as effectively and be honest with Texas Democrats.

* With a country that has over 1,600 registered religions; 250,000 churches, temples, mosques and synagogues- we are without a doubt a country of faith. We need to protect the rights of all Texans and ensure the ability to pursue our own personal beliefs.

* As Democrats we need to ensure our current elected officials have a way to communicate so they can work together on legislation, local programs, and statewide initiatives. We’re a family; we need to work together as a team and more importantly as Democrats!

* As a party we need to ensure that Democrats from across the state have access to proper assistance in the field.

* As individual Democrats we need to promote, follow and encourage the ideas we support in our Platform. This is who we’ve decided to be, this is our plan…let’s follow it.

As Democrats we need to ensure JUSTICE, EQUALITY & FREEDOM for all Texans.

If you honor me with the opportunity to serve you and this great party I pledge to protect, fight and help restore our government back to the People of this great state.

In the spirit of Justice, Equality & Freedom,

Charlie Urbina-Jones

Candidate for Texas Democratic Chair

To add your voice to the Texas Agenda post a comment to the website (coming soon) or email: with Texas Agenda in the subject line.
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crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-16-06 08:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. My commentary
Edited on Thu Mar-16-06 08:35 AM by crispini
* Our party should be run from the ground up not the top down. For this state to turn blue we need to win at the local level first. We need to build a strong foundation to support all Democratic candidates regardless of what they’re running for.
Good idea, how are we doing this exactly?

* As Democrats we must ensure that all local parties have the necessary resources they need to do their job at the grassroots level, whether it is getting basic office supplies, improving technological resources or providing information for walk lists, phone banks etc.
Ok, my county doesn't need this, maybe some rural counties do. I don't think it's very efficient for the state party to be providing walk lists to people in rural East Texas, though, and I don't think they CAN -- where would they get the voter data from? I like the basic concept but I'd like to know how this is going to be put into execution.

* As Democrats we must mount a coordinated campaign to help our statewide Democratic candidates defeat the Republicans in November. We can do it and we can win!!
THIS YEAR? Again, how, considering that voter data is not available statewide. IMO, there is nothing that the state party can do at this point to help statewide campaigns. It's too late.

* We need to ensure that every candidate has full access to all resources and technology available from TDP along with the full support of our staff year-round.
EVERY candidate? This makes no sense. Only statewides should require statewide support.

* “Our Diversity is Our Strength”, our leadership should reflect this and we should embrace and protect the views of all Democrats. I believe that every Democrat has full and equal ownership of our party.
Can't argue with that.

* We believe that every Democrat should have the opportunity to run if they choose to do so. I intend to offer regular regional candidate training/informational sessions so that regardless of how much candidates can raise they have the basic tools they need to run competitive campaign.
Worthy goal, I suppose, but there's already been a lot of training out there. If the TDP does decide to do this I certainly hope they leverage what other organizations have done instead of reinventing the wheel.

* We need to encourage and support more women to run for elected office. With over 50% of the Texas population being female I believe our elected leadership should reflect this. We will aim high and elect women to the courthouse, the statehouse and eventually the White House.
Can't argue with that either.

* We need to find alternative financial resources (from the grassroots to large donors) and keep enrolling sustaining members; many people do not give because they are not compelled to. We need strong leadership, a strong message and an effective statewide infrastructure.
COMPELLED TO? Poor choice of words, IMO. Many people don't give because they don't see that the state party brings them any added value. Other than that I agree.

* As Democrats we need to encourage and empower our youth, they are our future. We must mentor and guide them for the benefit of the state and national party.
Yes, no argument here.

* With our environment in danger we need to promote business savvy, eco-friendly ideas for legislation in Texas and in DC. We must protect our natural resources now and ensure they exist for our future.
The TDP intends to get in the lobbying business now? That's interesting.

* We need to run a fiscally responsible party, we need to update our procedural process, encourage more dialogue from everyone, use our resources efficiently as well as effectively and be honest with Texas Democrats.
Yep, agree, but there's not a lot of meat here.

* With a country that has over 1,600 registered religions; 250,000 churches, temples, mosques and synagogues- we are without a doubt a country of faith. We need to protect the rights of all Texans and ensure the ability to pursue our own personal beliefs.
How about the LACK THEREOF as well? And what does this have to do with the TDP?

* As Democrats we need to ensure our current elected officials have a way to communicate so they can work together on legislation, local programs, and statewide initiatives. We’re a family; we need to work together as a team and more importantly as Democrats!
Well since the TDP is in Austin I suppose it makes sense for them to work with the Lege but don't we already have a Democratic caucus down there? I do agree with this point.

* As a party we need to ensure that Democrats from across the state have access to proper assistance in the field.
Sure. How?

* As individual Democrats we need to promote, follow and encourage the ideas we support in our Platform. This is who we’ve decided to be, this is our plan…let’s follow it.
Yes, but what does the TDP intend to DO?

Hm, I give it a B-. Long on ideas, short on specifics, a couple of illogical things.

In the interest of equal time I'll pick apart Maxey's letter later in the day. :D
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sonias Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-16-06 09:17 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Good analysis crispini
Here's another thing I want to know. When Ron Wilson (DINO) former Rep HD131 from Houston, kept screwing up things for Democrats in the Texas Legislature, Soechting actually took a position of supporting his opponent Dr. Alma Allen in the Democratic primary. That was a bold move. That's the kind of chair we need again.

Why hasn't Charles endorsed Barbara Ann Radnofsky and asked Gene (not the dead dancer) to pull out of the race? He's got to know that Kelly is making a mockery of our Senate race and hurting our real candidate. Go ahead Charles refund Kelly's filing fee and let's start getting behind Barbara Ann, right now.

What would the current candidates for chair do about the Gene Kelly problem?

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