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Letter from Boyd Richie and my analysis.

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Home » Discuss » Places » Texas Donate to DU
crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 05:06 PM
Original message
Letter from Boyd Richie and my analysis.
Since I've done this for the other two candidates.

Dear Fellow Democrats:

Since I announced and filed in October, I have traveled Texas listening to Democrats from El Paso to Tyler and from Lubbock to Galveston and a lot more places in between. In all those places, Betty and I hear one theme over and over again. . . “The Republicans’ record of corruption and failure at the national and state level has created a unique opportunity and obligation for Texas Democrats to start winning again.”

The victory of Donna Howard in Travis County and the near win of Katy Hubener in Tarrant County show what can and must be achieved! As your Party’s next State Chairman I am committed to seizing this opportunity and meeting this obligation.

Here is my vision of how we will accomplish this task together:

* I believe the issues and principles that unite the Democrats are much more important than anything that might divide us - that Democrats from all walks of life bring a richness and diversity to our Party that can be put to work to build an organization that can deliver a message that persuades and motivates Texans to go to the polls and vote Democratic.

* I am committed to addressing the concerns of our party’s most loyal supporters, the African-American and Hispanic communities and Organized Labor. I will work with the leaders for the allocation of resources to further their efforts to elect our Democratic candidates at every level.

* I know that rebuilding a professional and responsive state Democratic Party requires a focused commitment of my time in order to secure the resources needed to support our candidates and party organizations across a state the size of Texas. I am personally committed to spending the majority of my time contacting and meeting with potential donors, working to establish the credibility necessary to build an enhanced large donor base as well as the critical small donor base that can provide the foundation for our party’s day-to-day operations.

* I am committed to hiring an expanded professional field and communications staff that will utilize enhanced technology and work with Democratic organizations in every community in our state, providing them with the tools and information necessary to deliver our message and turn out the vote.

* I will direct the party staff to work with local party leaders and Democratic officeholders to deliver a timely, motivational message that draws a sharp contrast between our Democratic values and the corrupt “pay to play” Republican leadership – and to deliver that message not only to statewide press, but also to local community and minority media.

* Members of the party staff and I will work with members of the SDEC and County Chairs to develop both realistic short term goals and a long-term plan through 2010 designed to ensure victories in both statewide and legislative races prior to the next redistricting.For example, the party staff should provide statewide targeting with vote goals for every county in order to maximize our vote in every race where Democratic candidates compete to win.

As Chairman I understand that a leader earns respect by showing respect to others, and that Democrats will win again by working every day to earn the trust of all our friends and neighbors who seek an opportunity to build a better future for all Texans.

If you share the belief that Texas Democrats face a unique opportunity and obligation to win again, go to your County or Senatorial District Convention and join us in this quest.If you do and become a State Convention delegate committed to my cause I promise you that together we will fight for a Texas you can be proud of again!

Boyd Richie
SD 30 Committeeman
Young County Democratic Attorney

My thoughts to follow.....
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derby378 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 05:53 PM
Response to Original message
1. I have a thought of my own...
* I am committed to addressing the concerns of our party’s most loyal supporters, the African-American and Hispanic communities and Organized Labor. I will work with the leaders for the allocation of resources to further their efforts to elect our Democratic candidates at every level.

Isn't he leaving out a few of the most loyal Democrats? The GLBT community, for example? Not to mention all those pissed-off Celts who can trace their Texan roots back five generations or more?

This isn't the African-American Party, the Hispanic Party, the GLBT Party, the Scots-Irish Party, or anything like that. This is the Democratic Party, and Richie would do well to remember that.
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Smarty Pants Liberal Donating Member (267 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 06:52 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Wow, that statement bothered Maxey's high school pal too
State Dem Chair Race, 'Cause You're Mexicans

I don't know this fella, but supposedly, he's the favorite to win because he has the support of the Party Establishment. So far, his folks say we should support him because he's a nice fella and he goes to Dem Party events. Now he says he's going to address 'my", errrr, Latino concerns.

Did I mention his high school pal is a consultant?

Speaking as a pissed-off Celt who can trace my Texan roots back six generations, a person with a disabiity and one of the most misunderstood members of the GLBT community, I am pleased that Mr. Richie recognizes that the largest Democratic Senate District in Texas is predominately African American and Hispanic and is sorely underworked. -Smarty Pants Liberal
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