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Home » Discuss » Places » Texas Donate to DU
Smarty Pants Liberal Donating Member (267 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 10:48 AM
Original message
On Monday evening, we met at a home in Meyerland with Texas State Representatives Garnet Coleman, Alma Allen, Jessica Farrar, Ana Hernandez and Rick Noriega to discuss how important it is that Borris Miles win the Democratic Party runoff on April 11 for Texas House District 146.

Please contact the campaign or PM me to volunteer. There are less than 13 days until the election.

5308 Almeda
Houston, TX 77004
Phone: 713.529.3520

For those of you who don't know, Al Edwards has only passed 7 bills since he was elected in 1978. A member of Texas Monthly's Worst Legislators in 1983,
1989, 1993 and 2005 Edwards has been making questionable decisions for quite a while now. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram noted in March that In 1989, he proposed allowing the state to amputate the fingers of drug dealers.

And in 1991, he introduced a bill calling for a statewide vote on allowing corporal punishment of inmates in state prisons, saying that such disciplinary measures as flogging would help rehabilitate prisoners. Not to dismiss Edwards' Taliban style ideas about criminal punishment, but what he will probably be remembered for in the near future is, of course, the prudish sexy cheerleading bill that drew ridicule nationwide.

Edwards blamed lewd cheerleading for pregnancy and AIDS, and explained the strength of the opposition: “Satan is not just going to let you walk over and
get something.” Unfortunately, sexy cheerleading wasn't the only issue that Al Edwards took up this year.

Texas Republicans, in an obvious move to pander to a radical right-wing voter base, pushed a resolution to add a provision to the state constitution banning same-sex marriages - a resolution supported by Al Edwards who called homosexuality “a social ill”.

Al Edwards was actually a pretty good friend to Tom Craddick and the Texas GOP. He turned his back on Texas teachers by leaving the floor long enough to
kill Jose Menendez', D-San Antonio, amendment to restore the $1,000 health insurance stipend cut in 2003 for all full-time school employees.

Edwards was also one of only two Democrats who voted against an amendment by Garnet Coleman, D-Houston, that would have raised the cigarette tax 9 cents - enough to restore CHIP coverage to at least 155,000 kids.

Then there was Al Edwards voting against an important ethics bill that would have clarified the prohibitions in state law against the kinds of corporate
contributions that are currently the subject of a criminal grand jury investigation in Austin.

Finally, Al Edwards was the only Democrat to vote for HB3, by the narrowest of margins, the Texas House passed HB3 with a vote of 78-70. The lone Democrat to vote for the most massive tax bill in a generation was Al Edwards, a veteran lawmaker whose Houston district would arguably suffer most from the increased sales tax and other tax hikes at the heart of the bill.

Even Mike Villareal, who voted not once but twice to pass the new taxes out of the Ways & Means Committee, couldn't stomach the bill in the end. Villareal finally voted no.

Nine moderate Republicans showed more insight and courage than Al Edwards did, crossing over the partisan lines to vote against raising middle-class taxes: Reps. Brian McCall (R-Plano), Glenn Hegar (R-Katy), Tommy Merritt (R-Longview), Terry Keel (R-Austin), Pat Haggerty (R-El Paso), Delwin Jones (R-Lubbock), Ken Paxton (R-McKinney), Elvira Reyna (R-Mesquite) and Jodie Laudenberg (R-Wylie).

Presented as a way to cut property taxes by a third, HB 3 raised a litany of consumer taxes and introduced new business taxes to make up the difference. It raised the Texas sales tax, the most regressive of all, to the highest in the nation. It boosted car repair and new vehicle taxes. And in an effort to avoid angering Houston beer baron John Nau, a major donor to Rick Perry and other Republicans, it created new taxes on bottled water and soft drinks.

Al Edwards has done some good things in his career. But good deeds of the past do not excuse failings of the present.

Yes, I plagiarized most of this.

Regarding the donations that Borris has made - these are my words, not one of his campaign workers who I'd like to smack upside the head every now and then - Borris has donated over 10 times as much money to Democrats and hosted the first fundraiser for Barack Obama after he was elected. The donations made to the other side were made during a non-election cycle to secure contracts in the regulated industry that he works in. I work at a university and have seen contributions made to the likes of John Culberson and Kay Bailey Hutchinson by people in high places that I know are flaming liberals in order to secure research funding.

Moreover, the truth is really in the donations that the campaign receives. Research Mr. Edwards' campaign finance reports and the PACs who have made donations to his campaign at and you'll understand why Mr. Edwards has voted and will continue to vote the way that he votes. Crosscheck the individual donors' donations to see who gets the bulk of their donations.

If you're still skeptical about Borris, stop by headquarters and meet him yourself. I've known Borris for over 20 years and most of the women working on his campaign have known him since he was born. If he acts up - which he won't - we're all going to give him hell and I'll be the first one to stand outside of his office with a protest sign.
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Smarty Pants Liberal Donating Member (267 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-07-06 08:22 AM
Response to Original message
1. bad Photoshop warning
For the nonlocals who can't blockwalk with us - a little entertainment - click on "photos" to participate in the survey or read Pinkdome's entry.


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WestHoustonDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-07-06 09:32 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Just got this same notice from bambidoespolitics
Any idea who that is? I understand Borris' and Greg's sites both got hacked?
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Smarty Pants Liberal Donating Member (267 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-07-06 09:43 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. The sites are back up now n/t
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sonias Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-07-06 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. I like the first picture
Except Al looks like a good contender in that picture. I hope Borris can knock him out.

Now that second picture, well I'm sure Al would disapprove. That cheerleader is showing way too much sexy body. Poor thing though, she looks a lot like Al. :silly:

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Smarty Pants Liberal Donating Member (267 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-07-06 05:44 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Well he IS pretty lean;-) n/t
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