The Called Session of the Texas Legislature got underway Monday with Governor Rick Perry calling for public education reform to bring Texas to the top tier in the nation in learning. Lawmakers applauded the governor’s call and also vowed to revamp the state tax structure to spread the revenue burden equitably between individual tax payers and business. Speaker Tom Craddick stated all options would be on the table, even a state income tax.
Hold on, I was dreaming.
What actually happened was Governor Goodhair, upon learning that the state budget surplus is larger than expected screamed “Woo! Hoo!” and ran off like a drunk who found a twenty-dollar bill in his pocket half an hour before before closing time. Speaker Craddick presided as the House passed resolution’s honoring his inlaw’s wedding anniversary and that great Texan, Karl Rove, then left to look at carpet samples for the $2 Million renovation project on his apartment in the Capitol. And in the Senate, as befits the Moe character of the state’s three stooges, the head of David Dewhurst’s gavel flew off as he called the solons to order. The Lieutenant Governor then hypnotized retiring Senator Frank Madla with a shiny object and forced him to hop around the chamber clucking like a chicken.