a response to my recent ltte in the waxahachie daily light
Observations — why is it that those who want to emphasize the total numbers of casualties always use round numbers? And can all those casualties caused by illness and non-combat related injuries really be attributed to the war? Weren’t sickness and accidents happening during peacetime prior to the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. As I have said before, I have the utmost respect for the writer’s son. He made the choice to enlist in the military, and many of us thank him for his service to our country. I hope his mother feels the same as we do. The fact that she doesn’t like our president and his administration is fairly obvious. It’s a shame that her feelings have to be at her son’s expense.
http://thedailylight.com/articles/2006/04/18/dailylight/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/01-04_17-letters.txtI have written my own rebuttal,of course.It amazes me how some people think.