Democrat Chris Bell is the only candidate who supports our beliefs and values in a field that includes one out-of-the-closet Republican and two Republicans running as "Independents." But more important that party affiliation, Democrat Chris Bell is the only candidate who stands up for our beliefs and values while Perry, Strayhorn, and Kinky have each failed to support the issues, candidates, and causes which matter most to us. Here's 10 great things about Kinky:
1. Bell is the only candidate who didn't vote for Bush/Cheney,
2. Bell is the only candidate who supports raising the minimum wage,
3. Bell is the only candidate who hasn't flip-flopped with regard to his political party,
4. Bell is the only candidate who hasn't been a cheerleader for Bush's Iraq foreign policy debacle,
5. Bell is the only candidate who did anything to bring down the DeLay empire of corruption,
6. Bell is the only candidate who would stop the practice where Texas actively misinforms women about their reproductive health,
7. Bell is the only candidate who has endorsed and voted for other Democrats over the past decade,
8. Bell is the only candidate who favors raising teacher pay $6,000 to bring Texas teacher pay up to the national average,
9. Bell is the only candidate who respects the First Amendment's separation of church and state, and
10. Bell is the only candidate who has successfully fought lobbyist abuses and the improper influence of undocumented political action committee money on public policy.
Some Kool-Aid drinkers here at DU express sympathy for Kinky as if he was not a disaster. Here's 10 awful things about Kinky:
1. Kinky has run for office in the past as a Republican <>,
2. Kinky voted for Bush/Cheney in 2004 <>,
3. Kinky's interview with Ruminator magazine confirms that he supported Bush's Iraq war:
Question: So does this idea of the honorable cowboy have anything to do with why you threw your support behind President Bush in this last election? You did, didn’t you?
Kinky: Yes. I did in this last election, but I didn’t vote for him the first time.
Question: Who did you vote for in 2000?
Kinky: I voted for Gore then {NOTE: AS SHOWN BELOW, THIS IS A LIE}. I was conflicted. . .but I was not for Bush that time. Since then, though, we’ve become friends. And that’s what’s changed things.
Question: So it’s your friendship with him that’s changed your mind about having him as president more than his specific political positions?
Kinky: Well, actually, I agree with most of his political positions overseas, his foreign policy. On domestic issues, I’m more in line with the Democrats. I basically think he played a poor hand well after September 11. What he’s been doing in the Near East and in the Middle East, he’s handling that well, I think. <>,
4. Kinky's public voting records confirm he lied about voting for Gore in 2000 because he hadn't voted since 1994 when he voted for the first time in a decade to vote for Bush/Cheney in 2004 <>,
5. on the topic of immigration, Kinky has said that the immigration protesters were "half playing hooky," and "Mexico is not a poor country," and he told Bill O'Reilly "Good fences make good neighbors, and, Mr. Fox, help us build that fence," and he wants to outsource our border security to 5 Mexican generals <,2933,150482,00.html>, <>, <>,
6. Kinky wants to take time out of the school day for prayers in public schools and he wants to post the Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms <>,
7. on the topic of women's reproductive rights, Kinky refused to say what his position was for the first year of his candidacy until he was called "evasive" by a CNN anchor, and while he now claims to be pro-choice, he will not say whether or not he favors repealing the Texas law that requires physicians to mislead women seeking reproductive counseling by giving medically contradicted information falsely suggesting a link between abortion and cervical cancer <>, <>,
8. Kinky's sworn testimony at Max Soffar's trial and his website give two completely contradictory view of Kinky's position on the death penalty,
9. "Most analysts assume that if Friedman gets more than 10 percent, he could well guarantee a Perry victory, since those votes are probably coming from Bell or Strayhorn rather than from the governor" <>, and
10. Kinky thinks "Negro is a charming word" <>.