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So, how're we doin' here in Texas?

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flamin lib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-02-06 03:31 PM
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So, how're we doin' here in Texas?
Last week the Ft. Worth Star Telegram printed an article reporting on recent census data. Among other things the data shows that the poverty rate in Arlington is almost twice what it was only four years ago. Poverty in Texas continues to grow at a faster rate than at the national level leaving us at number 5 in the race to be the poorest state in the union.

We’re not doing so well in the Education department either. Across Texas, 291 schools face penalties under the federal No Child Left Behind law, up from 176 campuses last year. That’s up 40 % in a single year. At the same time property taxes, the source of funding for Texas schools, is at an all time high, so high that more than one special session was called to deal with tax reform. We got some tax reform alright, but not education reform. The state still doesn't know how it’s going to fund education, just that taxes were moved around. By now most of us have figured out that nobody cuts taxes, they just re-arrange them like the deck chairs on the Titanic. Texas ranks near last in quality of Education among states.

According to the Originator Times, a trade publication for the lending profession, “Texas reported 13,103 properties entering some stage of foreclosure (last month), the most of any state for the eighth month in a row, and a 15 percent increase from the previous month. The state’s foreclosure rate of one new foreclosure filing for every 614 households was third highest among the states and more than two times the national average.” Yet I continue to hear that the economy is strong and getting stronger. One has to ask for whom it is growing. It sure doesn't seem to be us folks here in Texas.

Republicans continually tell us that Government doesn't work and every time they get elected to office they prove it. I'm not sure if they just aren't good at it or if they hate government so much they intentionally screw it up but one thing is certain, when they’re in charge things sure go to hell. I don't understand why someone would vote for a candidate who says government is the problem, why put someone in charge if they've already decided that they can't fix things?

We have a chance to change things in just about 60 days. Make the most of it. Arlington poverty rate doubles. Poverty in Texas Education in Texas Foreclosure rates

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RufusEarl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-02-06 04:39 PM
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1. Getting by in Texas
Thanks for the links! These sad facts will certainly help, in making my arguments to fellow Texans.
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