It was 1982 and I was a candidate for the Legislature in Brazos County, an uphill race against the chairman of the House Appropriations committee. The campaign volunteers had already made the decision to go have evening margaritas at the Ramada Inn bar as part of the daily routine, since the campaign sucked.
So one day Erma Jefferson, one of the most outrageous Democrats I had ever met, asked the group if Ann Richards could beat the incumbent in her race for State Treasurer. Someone in the group responded, "Hell no. You gotta have balls to win in Texas!". The group laughed. Fast forward three months.
I"m now in Austin (unsuccessful in my bid for the Lege) and working for the 1982 coordinated campaign. I"m working for Jim Hightower, and the other great team that year (Richards, Mauro, Mattox, et al). Erma Jefferson and friends show up in Austin. They've come with a gift for Ms. Richards. And they asked me to deliver it. When I did, and Ann opened the velvet box, it held a real set of jewels. There on the velvet pillow were two balls accompanied by a note:
Dear Ann:
You can't win in Texas without a set of balls.
We hereby donate Glen Maxey's balls, since he doesn't need them.
The Women of Brazos County
Go read the rest. Also from the
Texas Monthly superimposed Richards' face on a model dressed in white leather, riding a white Harley-Davidson with the headline: "White Hot Mama."
Cryer still remembers Richards' initial reaction: "I only wish I had thighs like that woman," the governor said.
She also loved attending movies, although she was known to talk too loudly for her friends' comfort. Still, Richards recently made a filmed "announcement" for the Alamo Draught House, a theater in Austin.
The announcement shows Richards leaving her office and walking into a movie theater, as she says: "Turn off your cell phone, or Ann Richards will take your ass out!"