Postcards from the Lege -Statesman 2/18/09Perry formally requests stimulus dollarsBy Jason Embry | Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Gov. Rick Perry sent a letter to President Barack Obama today formally requesting economic-stimulus dollars for Texas.
Here’s the key paragraph: “On behalf of the people of Texas, please allow this letter to certify that we will accept the funds in H.R. 1 and use them to promote economic growth and create jobs in a fiscally responsible manner that is in the best interest of Texas taxpayers. I remain opposed to using these funds to expand existing government programs, burdening the state with ongoing expenditures long after the funding has dried up.”
There has been a ton of talk about whether Perry would seek the money, even though he’s never said outright that he would not. With this letter, he seems to be trying to maintain the same position he stated Tuesday — he’ll gladly take stimulus dollars for what he considers one-time expenses, but doesn’t want to use that money for recurring expenses that the state will have to cut in two years or step in and pay for with state money.
(snip from Perry's letter)
I continue to believe the best way to stimulate the economy is the approach we are taking here in Texas. As a result of low taxes, controlled government spending and a predictable regulatory climate, nearly 80 percent of all jobs created in the United States were created in Texas; the vast majority of these were private sector jobs. Just last week, Texas was ranked the top exporting state in the nation for the seventh year in a row.
Grandstanding at its worst!