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Two obnoxious bills trying to make it through Texas Lege.

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Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 01:47 PM
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Two obnoxious bills trying to make it through Texas Lege.

House Bill 36 by Rep. Frank "the Fetus" Corte, R-San Antonio (carried in the Senate by Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston), requires women seeking abortion to undergo an ultrasound at least two hours before terminating a pregnancy. Supporters of the bill have argued variously that because many abortion providers already conduct an ultrasound prior to the procedure to determine gestational age, the measure would not pose a burden. Further, they argue, by allowing a woman to see an ultrasound and to hear a fetal heartbeat, as the bill proposes, women will have a chance to fully grasp their situation and, presumably, decide to continue the pregnancy. Several women testified that they were psychologically scarred by past abortions and were either kept from seeing an ultrasound image of their fetus or were not given an ultrasound. One woman dramatically told the committee she is now only raising two of her three kids; she aborted the first "because was not shown what was inside" her body.

Opponents argue the bill is coercive in nature. Mandating women undergo an invasive procedure that may not be medically necessary gives the state the power to usurp patient-doctor confidentiality and decision-making, they say. And the measure might place a financial burden on women – there are not that many groups that offer free ultrasound, meaning some women may have to pay out-of-pocket for a procedure they don't want. Indeed, if it is not medically necessary, it's unlikely that women who do have insurance could have the procedure covered by their health plans.


Lawmakers also considered a measure that would direct abortion providers to make detailed information about their clients available to the state for "statistical analysis." Rep. Geanie Morrison, R-Victoria, has again authored legislation (HB 3796) requiring women to certify they're not being coerced into abortion and mandating abortion providers to collect additional information about their clients to submit to the state for analysis. The bill would ask for detailed personal information – including the age of the father of the unborn child and the specific reason the woman is having an abortion. As it did last time, the bill has earned concern from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who question whether the privacy of women and their doctors could be jeopardized by the release of such extensive information.

Both bills were left pending in committee.

That moronic Morrison is my State Rep., a Rethuglican, of course.
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onestepforward Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. Both bills are wrong on so many levels
What goes on between a doctor and their patient is private and should not be compromised by these stupid bills. Thanks for posting this. I will definitely be keeping up with this.
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Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Contacting my Rep is a waste of time. So is contacting my senator.
He's a cookie-cutter fundie.
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onestepforward Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:43 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. mine too
Crabb and Williams, both staunch repubs. I email fairly often, but I doubt if I'm heard. That is one reason I've been so discouraged with state politics.
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Ranting_Wacko Donating Member (216 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 07:07 AM
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4. Good God, Morrison is still in office?
I moved out of her district nearly ten years ago for the relative civilization of Fort Worth. Given where she is, I thought some man would have tried to give her the rush during the Republican primary. They don't like the womenfolk working down there in Victoria.
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ceile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 03:23 PM
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5. Oh gag!
Edited on Fri May-08-09 03:24 PM by ceile
Wasn't shown "what was in her body"? Either the woman is idiot or has never had proper sex ed...oh, wait....
There is no medical reason for a doctor to do another ultrasound after determining the age of the fetus. We have a 24 hour waiting period as it is-so another 2 hours is going to make a difference? Getting a termination can be a difficult decision for some, but if she is there in the office-she knows what she wants.
And don't even get me started on the fishing expedition for her personal information. Sounds like a prelude to criminal charges if an abortion ban is ever passed. There is no statute of limitations on "murder".
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