I want to thank you guys who went after the bashers after the high winds incident
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Wed May-06-09 06:47 PM
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I want to thank you guys who went after the bashers after the high winds incident |
at the Dallas Cowboys practice facility. The usual suspects, mainly Cowboy haters, thought it would be fun to post some giggles over the tragedy. Several of you came to the rescue. And Wolverine - you rock! Thanks for leading the charge against the Texas bashing here at DU.
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Wed May-06-09 07:02 PM
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I knew the bashing would get really bad when I heard it was the Cowboys. I hope those who were injured recover soon!
And my battle would have gone nowhere without my unindicted co-conspirators. You know who you are. :evilgrin:
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Thu May-07-09 08:20 PM
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4. Pround To Be Part Of The Pack, Wolverine. |
Let's continue to nail the Haters, every chance we get. It's showing results.....
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Wed May-06-09 07:22 PM
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2. Don't be a stranger in the Texas DU forum |
Feel free to call in the Texas troops when you need help. :hi:
And I'll second that accolade for Wolvie - she does rock. Feisty fighter that one. :yourock: dg!
The University of Texas has a similar structure to the one the Cowboys used.
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Thu May-07-09 05:16 PM
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3. Whoa. I missed that. What kind of jerks would use an accident |
where someone's *back* was broken to have a bash-fest???? Jerks.
And thanks from me as well.
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Thu May-07-09 08:25 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. Way Too Many At DU, Unfortunately. |
Confront it wherever you see it; regional stereotyping and vilification is a forum no-no, big time. Don't tell the offenders you're alerting the moderators (that's another no-no); just do it and see what happens. The moderators are starting to come around on this.....
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Fri May-08-09 07:00 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Or try Lady Effingbroke's "Cheney" approach |
& get the whole thing deleted. ;)
:hug: Lady, please don't get yourself tombstoned.
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Fri May-08-09 05:08 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
It's very easy to get whole threads deleted nowadays, if you know where to hang out and what to say.
(Very easy to get TS'd, too.....)
(I'm not talking about bashing threads of any sort.....)
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Tue May-12-09 09:56 PM
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8. I'm sorry I missed this |
That was a very serious accident, the coach that broke his back was just released from the hospital yesterday (I believe).
It's sad that people would bash Texas/Cowboys when there were people seriously injured in this accident.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:00 AM
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