Representative Rick Noriega Needs our Help! Join Melissa Meisgeier Noriega and
Licia Green & Senator Rodney Ellis *Coffee in Austin: Tuesday, December 7, 2004 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Senator Ellis’ Austin Apartment 1122 Colorado Street, #2202 Austin * The Westgate
*Reception in Houston: Wednesday, December 8, 2004 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. The Home of Licia Green & Senator Rodney Ellis 2102 Sunset * Houston
Melissa is expected to be named "Temporary Acting Representative" in January while Rick continues to serve our country in Afghanistan.
To RSVP or for additional information, please contact
Heidi Kirkpatrick Hedrick or Adam Dorris at 888-978-7701 / fax 800-977-1797 OR reply to senatorellis@lonestarstrategies.com
___YES: ___ $2,500 ___ $1,000 ___$500 ___$250
___NO, I cannot attend but will send a check for $________.
Contributions are not tax deductible; no corporate checks please. State law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $500 in a calendar year.
Name:________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________
Occupation:______________________________ Employer_____________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________ Work Phone___________________________
Fax: _____________________________________ Email: ______________________________
Please make personal or PAC checks payable & mail to:
Rick Noriega Campaign, 7670 Woodway, Suite 110, Houston, TX 77063 OR fax this back to 800/977-1797 and bring your check to the event.
Not printed/mailed at state expense. Paid for by the Rodney Ellis Campaign, Alison Leland, Treasurer. PO Box 1223, Houston, TX 77251-1223.
(please note that Alison Leland is the widow of the late Congressman Mickey Leland)