Press release: AUSTIN--Citing the need for state government to be more easily accessible and open to the public, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst presented an 8-point plan today that calls for sweeping change in the way state government makes information available to the public.
"I feel strongly that Texans from Texarkana to El Paso should feel a connection to the lawmakers they elect," Lt. Gov. Dewhurst said. "Folks interested in seeing legislators make the policies that affect their daily lives should have a front-seat to the legislative process without necessarily traveling to Austin," he said.
Lt. Gov. Dewhurst announced his proposal-- which included a request to the Senate to change its rules on the recording of votes-- during a press conference held at the State Capitol. Lt. Gov. Dewhurst recommended that the Senate record its votes and post them on the web for the for the second and final passage of a bill, bills that return from the House amended, Conference Committee Reports, Joint Resolutions that go to voters as Constitutional Amendments, and amendments.
In addition to calling for recorded votes, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst recommended that the Senate look into televising legislative and agency hearings-- similar to the CSPAN service provided to the American people by the federal government. Other ideas included posting ethics filings and state agency contracts on the web; creating a consumer complaint clearinghouse for the public to direct inquiries or complaints; and a legislative management system that would enable Texans to follow bills through the legislative process from their home computers. -more- http://www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/ltgov/pr04/p120304a.htm