Restaurant check for Houstonians!
Catherine Vincent
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Thu Dec-09-04 12:57 PM
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Restaurant check for Houstonians! |
Edited on Thu Dec-09-04 12:59 PM by cat_girl25
Have any of you guys dined at Katz's Deli?
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Thu Dec-09-04 12:59 PM
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1. does one actually *dine* at a sports bar? |
am i beign an elite liberal?
Catherine Vincent
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Thu Dec-09-04 01:03 PM
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2. See my correction above. |
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Thu Dec-09-04 01:05 PM
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i have never even bee to Houston and i have eaten at may sports bars. some in NY have very good food and could qualify as dining
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Thu Dec-09-04 01:07 PM
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4. I wish there had been a good deli in Houston when I lived there. |
But the on-line reviews of Katz's seem good.
Houston is a great restaurant town FWIW.
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Thu Dec-09-04 01:10 PM
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5. I'm not from Houston but have eaten at both Austin & Houston locations |
The food is very good. Katz (father) is a libertarian so I don't know what contributions they make politically. Son owns the Houston restaurant. New York Styled Deli.
They have a huge menu selection of sandwiches, drinks and desserts. This was the only restaurant that was open late during the Democratic Party state convention in Houston this year.
Catherine Vincent
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Thu Dec-09-04 01:15 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Yeah, I know about his son owning the Houston restaurant. |
And to me, it has the atmosphere of being Democratic friendly.
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Thu Dec-09-04 02:36 PM
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7. Katz's is okay, try Kenny's & Ziggy's |
Katz's is okay but not great. I like the breakfast at Katz and it is open 24 hours. Katz's makes a very good challa french toast.
Kenny's & Ziggy's food is a little better but this deli is not open 24 hours.
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Thu Dec-09-04 02:39 PM
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A bit pricey...but excellent.
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Thu Dec-09-04 02:47 PM
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9. sonia and Goth and slutty are coe-rectimundo |
I think the thing I like best about Katz' (besides the fact they're open 24-7) is their desserts.
They have some Chocolate Eruption-Explosion-Orgasm Cake that is about the size of a loaf of bread. Seriously. Three people shouldn't be expected to finish it.
It MIGHT be the main reason I was recently diagnosed with diabetes... ;)
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Wed Mar 12th 2025, 11:50 PM
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