To put teeth on our ethics committee you how to use the Texas Ethics Commission website plus gives you two of the biggest ones already in image copy from their web site. It also has some important web actions to tell your TX legislators you are watching what they do this session.
Here is their agenda for this session
Clean Up Texas Politics' reform agenda is fighting to guarantee that elections are decided by the voters, not bought by the fat cats by promoting reforms that will:
Close corporate and union soft money loopholesTightening the state's prohibition on corporate and union soft money, as the McCain-Feingold law does on the federal level, would ensure that soft money stays out of our state's elections.
Establish reasonable campaign contribution limitsContribution limits would prevent individuals or PACs in Texas from having undue influence over an officeholder.
Improve the effectiveness and independence of the Texas Ethics CommissionAn effective enforcement agency would serve as a deterrent and ensure our laws are enforced.
Record all legislative votes publiclyRecording all legislative votes would ensure accountability to voters.
Take action today!