If you live in SD25 and you're interested in going to this send me a private message and I'll give you the contact for Zada and Bruce and the directions to Jim's ranch. I didn't want to post those details here on an open board.
Sonia --------------------------- You are invited to the 25th SD Party Conference, a Workshop on Saturday January 29th at Jim Mattox's Comal Co. Ranch from 10:00am to 4:00pm (Lunch provided) Cost per person $12 for meal and all day. *********************************************************** Dear SD 25 Democrat,
When we both ran for SDEC committee members they both had something similar in campaign platforms - hold annual SD25 conventions to allow people in Senatorial District 25 to come together to get to know one another better and to better understand how we can work to increase Democratic turnout in this district that has been dominated by Republicans.
This idea was well received by all of the Delegates in the SD 25 caucus. Although SD 25 is represented by a Republican Senator and is actually represented in the Texas House of Representatives by eleven representatives, only four of those representatives are Republicans. SD25 encompasses parts of Bexar and Travis counties and all of Comal, Hayes Guadalupe and Kendall counties. Five of these counties had increases in the Democratic vote over 2000 ranking in the top 21 counties in Texas.
We have some fired up people in SD25 who are ready to take back Texas and we're ready to build on the work that has been done on the 2004 election. Knowing that victory to take back Texas is going to require a lot of work, let's get started with this Conference.
Agenda for the day
Ø The ins and outs of Electronic Voting Machines. Ø How to recruit local candidates ( local candidates on the ballot will help turnout for the statewide ticket and straight ticket voting ) Ø Recruitment of Precinct Chairs and organization.
LUNCH Ø Fundraising on a local level Ø Panel discussion: Review and discussion of the Survey – "What went right and what went wrong this last election cycle" Ø Legislative issues for the 79th Legislative Session. Ø State Party and SDEC Update.
BREAK Ø What do you do in the "off years"? Ø Website Ø Discussion and enactment of the Senatorial District Committee Ø Announcements
Speakers: *Bob Mann (Political consultant for U.S. Senator Kennedy and other good Democrats). He is an Austin-based writer who also teaches journalism at UT. In the 1980s he was Press Secretary & Special Asst. to Ted Kennedy. He also worked in the Carter White House, was public affairs director at the FCC and later senior corporate communications counselor for the Video Group of Time Inc. New York. He has been a reporter and editor at five daily newspapers, including the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram and Dallas Times Herald. * Dennis Teal (SDEC member- SD 3, and Chair of the SDEC Grassroots Committee) . * State Representative Elliot Naishtat of Austin. * Peck Young for over 30 years has been a campaign organizer, political consultant, and election analysts for Democrats from Virginia to Arizona and all over Texas. Unlike most of his trade Peck has been and remains a fierce advocate for grassroots person to person politics, that makes him unique from most in his profession. * John Oeffinger (congressional campaign staff leadership Chet Edwards and Jim Mattox; co-coordinator Texas 2002 Protect The Vote, 14-state midwest political director for Genl. Wes Clark's presidential campaign. * Alyssa Burgoin and Charlie Jackson ( Bexar Co. electronic machine expert.) * Judy Hall (Facilitator for Panel) She went to Iowa and trained people during the Perfect Storm and coordinated the Circle of Voters in San Antonio an early voting campaign.
We need a headcount as soon as possible, please RSVP to Zada True- Courage or Bruce Barrick. Make checks out to: Texas Democratic Majority * Bring pencil and paper this is a Workshop. Democratically Yours, Bruce Barrick and Zada True-Courage " The best time to get ready for Tomorrow is working Today "