Mind Your Ps and Qs
By Michelle M. Martinez | Thursday, January 20, 2005, 05:29 PM
Thinking of selling your urine to someone who is trying to beat a drug test?
It just might be illegal in the future if a bill filed Thursday by Rep. Ryan Guillen, D-Rio Grande City, is adopted by the Legislature. Guillen is proposing that the state make it an offense if a person “sells, gives, or otherwise provides another person with a urine specimen knowing that the specimen is intended to be used to defeat or defraud a drug-screening test.”
The law would apply to drug tests required by state agencies, courts, cities, counties, school districts and special districts.
The law would make it a Class B misdemeanor on first offense, a Class A misdemeanor the second time and a state jail felony after that.
http://www.statesman.com/news/content/custom/blogs/legislature/archives/2005/01/20/mind_your_ps_and_qs.htmlLOL. I guess the KNOWING is the key word there.
Beavis: Hey, Butthead, I need to buy some P!
Butthead: Well whaddya want it for?
Beavis: Souvenir, dude, I'm gonna keep it in a vial on my mantelpiece, huh huh huh.
Butthead: Oh, well, that's OK then, just as long as you're not going to use it to pass a DRUG TEST or anything, huh huh huh.
Again I ask ... don't our legislators have anything BETTER to do?