Crush Rush!
I read recently how a station in Brattleboro, VT dumped Rush and replaced it with Air America and even some ClearChannel stations will soon be doing this.
Travis County - location of wonderful Austin, TX. - is a blue county. Why is Rush on the air here on KLBJ 590 AM?
We can change this. Here's how:
1. Write an email to KLBJ and ask them to Crush Rush and pick up Air America.
2. Write a letter to the Editor of the Chronicle
and urge readers to contact KLBJ (include contact info
from the KLBJ link, above). Make sure to read the Chronicle's instructions. You have to include your address and phone number in your message. If your letter is published, you can edit what will be revealed.
3. Write a litter to the Editor of the Statesman and
urge readers to contact KLBJ (include contact info
from the KLBJ link, above).
3. Forward this email to all your liberal and
progressive friends.
4. We could print up some stickers and plaster the city with a "Crush Rush" message.
Austin - as the Texas Capitol - would be a huge symbolic win for Air America.
Anybody want to help? I know only two people know about this blog, but I have to start somewhere.
posted by Captain Apathy at 3:33 PM