of an email I got from a Houston activist ... got his permission to repost because I thought it was very good.
1. On being progressive, here's Frost's voting record:
AFL-CIO: 93 percent
Human Rights Campaign: 88 percent
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: 92 percent
League of Conservation Voters: 85 percent
NAACP: 95 percent
NARAL Pro Choice America: 100 percent
National Hispanic Leadership Agenda: 83 percent
2. From 2000-2003, Frost led the redistricting battle, was the primary source of funds for our legal battle, was the force behind the Ardmore and New Mexico quorum breaks via staff, strategic, legal and financial support, including the big rally at the Capitol.
3. Frost is the only person who ever used DCCC money for grassroots GOTV efforts, and under his leadership, we won back 14 seats in Congress. And he was the one major Texas officeholder who raised money to do the same in 1998, 2000, 2002 Texas campaigns, when the rest shunned GOTV for TV.
4. As long ago as 1972, Frost ran a Voter Reg program that registered 50,000 Dem's, mostly minorities, in Dallas County. He does this because he believes in our party and our principles.
5. What people miss is what happened on the ground in Dallas in 2004. Every weekend and many weekdays, hundreds of Dallas Dems went door to door for Martin Frost, canvassing every precinct in his district, including a lot of "hostile territory" no Dem had walked for years. And Martin Frost was out there with them. His volunteers included long-haired anti-war progressives and well-dressed lawyers, people of both the Jewish and Muslim faith, labor union members, college students, Hispanics, African Americans, pro-choice activists, etc. Their support and their work says much more than litmus-testers sitting miles away in judgement. The results of the Frost team's work in 2004 are impressive. Hispanic turnout was double it's normal share of the vote, and a 65% R district was turned into a 54% district. And the only mail and organized phone program done for Lupe Valdez (the new Dallas Sheriff) and the other countywide Dallas winners, was funded by Martin's "friends and allies" and produced by the TDP. That's the real world - and anyone who saw Martin's volunteers gather on a Saturday morning knows progressive D's work hand in hand with Martin Frost.
6. As a 26 year Congressman, Martin could go get rich like a lot of ex-Members do, but this is what he wants to do for his Party and his country. Martin Frost is a fighter who knows that the fight must be fought to win, not just to prove who is right.
Here's an interesting article from burnt orange report, from early in the campaign.
http://www.burntorangereport.com/archives/001872.htmlMartin is a seasoned campaigner (17 races, I believe) adept at "wily pol" strategic tricks --- I'll write a longer post later about "signgate" if nobody beats me to it.
Plus, Tom DeLay HATES him. Tom DeLay explicitly said, during redistricting, "Get rid of Martin." Heh! So now, of course, Martin Frost would dearly, DEARLY love to take out Mr. Delay. :evilgrin: I like motivation.
More later, it's nice out and the yard is calling...