Hour after hour, voter after voter was challenged by Heflin's lawyer, Andy Taylor -- yes, the same Andy Taylor who collected hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars defending the GOP's Congressional redistricting plan.
It was not lost on this observer that nearly every one of those challenged voters had an Asian, Latino or African surname. This makes perfect sense given Heflin's announcement that "we're going to be looking at a certain kind of voter, in a certain part of the district." Subtle, Talmadge.
In his opening, (Vo attorney Larry) Veselka made a point that really hit home. In a society where cynicism about the political process abounds, where folks distrust elected officials and wonder why they should even bother voting, accusing a bunch of responsible, well-meaning citizens of voter fraud is the last thing we need. It seems to me the people are on trial here, and that stinks for democracy.