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Eyes Wide Open - TX Events

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sonias Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-10-05 03:39 PM
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Eyes Wide Open - TX Events
Sorry I missed posting this so late I hope those of you in Houston got a chance to see it.

Eyes Wide Open, the American Friends Service Committee’s widely-acclaimed exhibition on the human cost of the Iraq War, features a pair of boots honoring each U.S. military casualty, a field of shoes and a Wall of Remembrance to memorialize the Iraqis killed in the conflict, and a multimedia display exploring the history, cost and consequences of the war

# February 7-9
Friends Meeting Grounds
Houston, TX
Contact Dick Steele : 713-669-8666

# February 11-13
St. Mary's University
San Antonio, TX
Contact Bill Wilkinson: 210‑520‑9316

# February 15-17
Zilker Park Peace Grove
Austin, TX
Contact Jessica Arjet : 512-457-8115

# February 28 - March 1
City Hall Plaza
Dallas, TX
Contact Stephen Betzen

For Austinites AFSC looking for volunteers as well
Exhibit Display Feb. 15 & 16th 10AM ­ 8PM and Feb 17th -- 10AM ­9:30PM at Peace Grove in Zilker Park, (across from main entrance into Zilker Park) Opening Ceremony: Tues. Feb 15, 7-8PM Rain Date, Wed. Feb 16, 7-8PM Bring a flashlight

Walking Meditation Wed. Feb 16, 6-7PM Led by Buddhist Peace FellowshipInterfaith Silent Prayer Thu Feb 17th 7:40-8PM Bring your own flashlight and chairs, cushion, or mat

Electronic flyers can be requested from via e-mail. Hard copy fliers can be requested from Yvonne Montejano at AFSC - 474-2399

To volunteer the Volunteer Schedule below and e-mail with the following information:
First and Last Name
Contact phone numbers, important for weather changes
Best time to call/times of day during exhibit you are available
E-mail address
Mailing address, for thank you
Referred By: Organization (if volunteering as a group)
Thad Crouch, Volunteer Coordinator


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sonias Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-14-05 01:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. kick for Austinites for Tuesday
Hope you get a chance to visit this exhibit tomorrow or Wednesday.

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sonias Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 09:48 AM
Response to Original message
2. AAS story with link
Empty boots stand in for soldiers in exhibit
Display will be at Zilker Park through Thursday.

Boots lined in rows representing military personnel killed in Iraq transformed Zilker Park's Peace Grove into a sight resembling Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday, and visitors paid their respects.

The American Friends Service Committee brought "Eyes Wide Open," an exhibit about the human cost of the Iraq war, to Austin after a tour of more than 40 U.S. cities. When the exhibit opened in January 2004 in Chicago, it had 504 pairs of boots. On Tuesday, there were 1,462.
Last night's opening candlelight ceremony was very emotional, but it was also very healing. Lots of people in the crowd of about 300 or so, were not anti-war. They supported the war but came to pay their respects anyway.

Rep. Lon Burnam was one of the speakers. Four people alternated reading the names of TX soldiers that have died with Iraqi citizens names. Those of us in the crowd were asked to stand near a pair of boots, while the name of the dead were read.

Lets keep working for peace.

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