In the meantime, chew on these!
Utah not a one-party state for these folks (SL Tribune 11/01/04)
A small-business woman in Old Town Park City, Carter moved to the precinct about two years ago and was stunned when only two people showed up at the neighborhood GOP caucus earlier this year.
Republicans are outnumbered 3-to-1 in her precinct and hers is the only house on the street with a Republican lawn sign in the yard. Even at dinner parties, she says, she's put on the hot seat by Democratic friends.
"I've had people get mad at me, 'How can you support these Republican candidates?' " she says. "You're always having to defend yourself and come up with extraordinary reasons to defend your views."
The Salt Lake Tribune analyzed returns from all 1,568 precincts in the 2000 election, focusing on the results of three statewide races -- the gubernatorial, senate and presidential campaigns. Among the findings:
Two hundred and twenty-one Utah precincts lean toward or are solidly in the Democratic camp. About one in 10 precincts -- 132 in all -- are battleground precincts, where the parties were separated by less than 5 percentage points. The remaining precincts fell into the Republican column, with 230 leaning Republican and 985 solidly Republican, with GOP candidates receiving more than 60 percent of the vote. an ABC local station story: 10/18/2004
Utah Voters Registering in Big Numbers as Election Draws Near
"All the reports I'm getting from all the counties are that registration is up. And it's not just up - we are being flooded with registration forms," said Amy Naccarato, director of elections for Utah.