Edited on Sun Nov-12-06 05:11 PM by Wash. state Desk Jet
Broken zippers, Santa,s nightmare. Republicans are stopping short of saying there is something of a predatorial nature to it. Congressman Dave maintains that he is victorious. The votes in the bags should be counted says the replacement to the displaced newley hired man about L.A. in California.Can,t whip the post if it ain,t there I suppose.Bet he,s looking back at it now ,wondering who are they going to place the blame on this time? Given the intire party has taken the fall! and where oh where is good old At All cost?, Now a republican political advisor. Yes indeed advance-advance at all cost,man your phone books , find all the invalid votes,indeed dead people ,convicts, illegal a-dresses and cross dresses too!Rossi was robbed! and our boy Dave is on the verge of it. Advance at all cost,so sayeth Chris Vance ,former republican senate majority leader!
And don,t forget to read Rossi,s book because it sure ain,t about death befor dishonor.So sayeth Chris Vance.
We must not have another dissappearing act , so sayeth Chris Vance, Magic Mike MaGavick,s was more than the party can bare!
We must load ourselves onto the troop transport planes and prepare for the big drop on it.We must not get caught snoozing ,because we have already lost enough!Advance-advance at all cost!
Deploy all snooper troopers with their protest signs ,have them fallow around Burner,conced-concede -do not remain conceded(!)This race belongs to the few not the many(!) So sayeth Chris Vance!
The last thing republicans in this state need right now is another too close to call race,what was down in the hole the last time did not benifite the party as planed-so sayeth Chris Vance(!)
You have the right to remain silent but if you do ,we just might be excepting a loss-so sayeth Chris Vance. Let the sheriff in you all -all you republicans -come out ,come out ,where ever you are(!) So sayeth Chris Vance(!)
Remember Mikee in the commercial (!) He,ll try anything right(!)? But just don,t wait until it,s too late ! The early bird catches the worm -so it is said-so sayeth Chris Vance!
At All cost!
If it comes down to five will get you ten-we as republicans just might be screwed-so sayeth Chris Vance. Don,t let the supreme shaft become the thorn of our partys back behind-advance at all cost-so sayeth Chris Vance!
Don,t let the republican party dreams become wet and drenching of disconfort, fore wet dreams do not avail the furits of our labors.Only satisfaction without substance! so sayeth Chris Vance! Advance at all cost befor our dreams become mere distant ill faded memorys of a never seeming to end hay day that went over a cliff!,Advance-advance at all cost- so sayeth Chris Vance.