http://www.wa-doma.orgOn July 26, 2006, the Washington Supreme Court ruled that the state's "Defense" of Marriage Act was constitutional. The basis for the lead decision was that the state has a "legitimate interest" in preserving marriage for the sole purpose of procreation, and that this interest supercedes the admitted inequity of the law. The Washington Defense of Marriage Initiative was written in response to that ruling and would give the basis for the decision the force of law.
If passed, the initiative would:
* Require that married couples be capable of having children together.
* Place a requirement on married couples to procreate within a specific window of time. Couples married in-state who do not procreate will have their marriages declared null (in effect, the marriage license gets revoked.) Couples married out-of-state will have their marriage "unrecognized" in accordance with existing law.
The full text is available at the website listed above. The initiative will be filed with the Washington Secretary of State on January 9, 2006.
And to answer the question, "Why?" I think it will be very fun to see the rightard Talibangelicals who scream about marriage existing for procreation make excuses about how they didn't
really mean what they were saying.