Use it (the money for the rebuild) or Lose it (to the 520 project), sayeth the governor elected almost entirely by Seattle's liberal masses. Where is the fiscally-sane Surface Solution in any of this (WSDOT will not fund study)? Where are any of our State Reps besides Ed Murray? This is shaping up into a typical Washington State do-nothing clusterfuck.
Won't some Middle East Terrorist come along & blow up just one column when its closed for its twice-annual inspection? — Gov. Christine Gregoire and legislative leaders dismissed the idea of a tunnel along Seattle's waterfront Wednesday, and said the state will either replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct with an elevated highway or spend the billions set aside for the project on a new Highway 520 bridge.
The verdict came after a tense, closed-door meeting among Gregoire, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, City Council President Nick Licata and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate.
The governor and lawmakers unanimously rejected Nickels' new proposal to replace the viaduct with a tunnel that's smaller and supposedly cheaper than the previous tunnel option being considered.