PI writer, Carol Smith, wrote their most read article of 2006 entitled:
"Boy hurt by cannon blast feels twice wounded", which claimed the town of Snohomish was more concerned about losing their football cannon tradition than the well-being of a boy who was injured in a football game cannon blast.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/296584_cannon20.htmlThe latest article by Scott North at the Herald describes an investigation that has little to do with a cannon football tradition:
New accusations fly in cannon case
A Snohomish couple say a boy badly hurt in the blast left them threatening messages.
By Scott North
Herald Writer
SNOHOMISH - Snohomish police are investigating new reports of telephone harassment linked to the October explosion of a ceremonial cannon at a Snohomish High School football game.
This time, at least some of the reported harassment allegedly came from a boy whose leg was seriously injured in the blast, according to people connected with the case.
The threats began after the injured teen allegedly told an adult friend that he overloaded the cannon, hoping for a bigger blast.