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Election November 2007 events

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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-30-07 08:37 PM
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Election November 2007 events
GSBA Candidate Forum

Join Equal Rights Washington, Greater Seattle Business Association, and SEAMEC for a candidate forum. This is an opportunity to learn the positions the candidates have on issues of importance to the LGBT community and for the candidates to understand the central role the LGBT business community plays in the economic health of our region. Moderatoring will be Deborah Brandt, former KUOW morning anchor.

Races covered will be: King County Prosecuting Attorney, Seattle City Council Positions 1, 3, 7 and 9

Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: Red Lion Hotel on Fifth Avenue
Address: 1415 5th Ave, Seattle, WA
Event Contact #: 206-363-9188

The event will include lunch and costs $27.00 for GSBA members and
$32.00 for non-members. To register please go here or call 206-363-9188.

Don't miss this opportunity!
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-30-07 08:41 PM
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1. Roads and Transit measure to be debated in Seattle on 9/20
Edited on Thu Aug-30-07 08:46 PM by eridani
CityClub is hosting a forum entitled "Election Debate: Roads and Transit Ballot Measure" which will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2007. We are hoping King County Democrats can once again join us as a co-presenter.

As a co-presenter, there is no financial obligation. We ask for your assistance in helping to spread the word about the event through email blasts, web calendars, etc. In return, we will include you in our promotional materials and King County Democrats members will receive a reduced rate to attend the event.

I've included the program description below. We would be delighted to include King County Democrats in our printed promotional materials and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Election Debate: Roads and Transit Ballot Measure

Westin Hotel, 1900 Fifth Avenue, Seattle
Registration: 11:30 a.m. v Luncheon: 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

$35/CityClub Members, $40/Guests and members of co-presenting organizations and $45/General public

Jessyn Farrell, Executive Director, Transportation Choices
Kemper Freeman, Developer, Kemper Development Company
Mike O'Brien, Cascade Chapter Chair, Sierra Club
Moderator: Robert Mak, Host and Reporter, KING 5 TV

In 2006, the State Legislature required Sound Transit and the Regional Transportation Investment District to jointly submit a transportation financing plan to voters in the 2007 general election. The resulting roads and transit package is the largest single proposed investment in transportation the region has ever considered – over $16B today and more over the life of the project. What's in the package? What are the costs and benefits to taxpayers and the region? If this measure doesn't pass, what then? The mandated marriage of roads and transit on the ballot has meant that traditional political alliances are nowhere to be found in this debate. Come hear from some of the leaders in this debate directly as you decide how to vote on this important measure.

Sara Neppl
Administrative Assistant, CityClub
1904 3rd Avenue, Suite 622
Seattle, WA 98101
Ph: 206-682-7395
Fax: 206-467-7394
sneppl {at} seattlecityc
www.seattlecityclub .org

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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-09-07 02:24 AM
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2. Simple Majorities for schools meeting 9/18 in Federal Way
Thanks to everyone who attended last week's steering committee meeting, it was great seeing so many of you there. The next meeting is scheduled for 1:30 PM on Tuesday, September 18th at the WEA Headquarters in Federal Way.

The August campaign kickoffs went great. Over 600 community and education leaders and 99 school districts attended the events! And we raised over $30,000! At each stop we found a receptive audience filled with energy and commitment. We are thrilled with the positive response; thanks to everyone across the state for their commitment to Approve 4204. If you did not have the opportunity to attend a kickoff, we will be holding the last one in Olympia this Wednesday, September 12th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Washington Association of Principals' office (1021 8 Ave SE).

Press events were held with the kickoffs in Vancouver and Spokane. Print and radio media were in attendance of both. Last Thursday, Sen Majority Leader Lisa Brown spoke on Spokane's 1510 KGA in Spokane, while Battle Ground Education Association President Ellen Joslin was on Portland's 1190 KEX. Spokane's KPBX 91.1 (NPR) had a piece about simple majority on Friday as well. In print, the Spokesman Review and Vancouver's Columbian both published articles.

This campaign is shaping up to be a true grassroots effort. Right now we have school district based campaign teams forming statewide who will be making get out the vote phone calls to targeted pro-education voters and acting as the local voice and face of the campaign in their communities. We expect to contact over 200,000 targeted voters (two to three times each) with "get-out-the- vote" messages. Our targets are voters who might not otherwise not vote in November. The campaign will provide the first list of phone bank sites and local contacts on September 10th, and will be asking for your help to feed volunteers into these phone banks to help make them successful.

We've now raised $569,725. Checks from PTA members, kickoff attendees, individual donors, including one generous $250,000 donation from a PTA legislative chair, as well as a substantial investment from the WEA and other partners made August a successful fundraising month. Grassroots money was particularly strong, with 151 members joining the "51% Club," and many committing to hold house parties.

Many of you have been asking for our Speakers Bureau kits, which are under construction; we should have them available for download from the website this week. In the meantime, much of the information to be included in these can already be found on our website or contact our staff if you need help preparing for a presentation or speaking event.

Your support of the campaign is appreciated. We'd like to ask everyone to continue doing so by volunteering, making a financial contribution, encouraging everyone you know to endorse, and attending the next Steering Committee Meeting. While momentum is building, we must remember that the success of this campaign depends upon the support of our coalition. With your continued support we can win this campaign.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at bill@simplybettersc . Our website provides further information about the campaign, it can be found at: www.simplemajority. org


Bill Monto
Approve 4204 -- Simple Majority for Our Local Schools
Campaign Manager
206.390.9196 - Cell
206.448.3403 - Office
bill {at} simplybettersc
www.simplemajority. org
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-13-07 08:32 PM
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3. Reception for Dow Constantine 9/19 in Normandy Park
A RECEPTION FOR DOW CONSTANTINE - our King County Councilmember
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2007 - 5:30 - 7:30 PM

at the Normandy Park home of
Representative Shay Schual-Berke
604 SW 206th Street, Normandy Park

RSVP to dowconstantine2007 {at} or call 206.618.4934
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 02:56 AM
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4. Bill Sherman for King County prosecutor fundraiser; Seattle 9/22
Bill Sherman for King County prosecutor

I am very proud to announce that my boss during my Clinton Administration days, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and environmental hero Bruce Babbitt, will be here in Seattle as the guest of honor at an intimate gathering supporting my candidacy. Please consider joining us at a fundraiser for my campaign this Saturday, September 22 at 1:30 PM in Seattle - email us for details and to RSVP! dannolte {at}

Sign up for a yard sign! Click here to send us your information.

Join the volunteer team! We have great volunteer opportunities in Seattle, on the Eastside, and in South King County. Click here to sign up.
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-03-07 01:34 AM
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5. Equal Rights Washington candidate forum; Seattle 10/8
The 2007 elections are upon us! Do you know who you are voting for?

Please join me and other ERW folks for an evening of mingling with candidates for the upcoming elections at Rosebud on Capitol Hill. Not only are there a number of Seattle City Council, Port Commission and School Board positions up for election, but the King County Prosecutor’s seat is open – the first time in a generation. This happy hour is also a revival of an ERW tradition that we started at the begining of our organization. Happy hour is a great time for ERW advocates to meet each other. We work hard. Let's not forget to play hard.

There will be a cash bar – and the kitchen will be open. So, invite your friends and family for this relaxed and entertaining evening.

For all the details visit

Don’t miss out!

George Cheung
ERW Board Member
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-05-07 10:18 PM
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6. Vote to Stop AIDS Candidates Forum; Seattle 10/11
Vote to Stop AIDS Candidates Forum

Thursday, October 11th 6:00 - 8:30 pm
St. Mark's Cathedral, 1245 10th Avenue E., Capitol Hill / Seattle

Are the candidates you’re voting for committed to supporting critical services members of the HIV/AIDS community rely on? Coffee and light refreshments will be available. Children are welcome. Questions? Contact Lifelong AIDS Alliance at (206) 957-1611 or aniab {at}

Presented by Seattle Human Services Coalition and Lifelong AIDS Alliance.
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-16-07 02:49 AM
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7. Sally Soriano movie night, Seattle 10/26
Movie Night with Sally Soriano
"Stop the Corporatization of Public Education"
Featuring "Renaissance 2010 From the Front Lines"

Friday, October 26, 7pm
Bethany United Church of Christ
6230 Beacon Ave S, 98108
Childcare available on site.
Sponsored by Social Justice Ministry of Bethany UCC

Renaissance 2010 From the Front Lines is a documentary film about the threat to the Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union, stemming from privatization and charter school expansion. The film explores the motives and interests driving changes in the educational system by talking with teachers from both traditional and charter schools, students, educational experts and community members impacted by these decisions.

Following the film Seattle School Board Member Sally Soriano will facilitate a community discussion about the corporatization of public education and the fight to stop it. Several School Board candidates will also be present. This is an open invitation to all candidates to attend.
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eridani Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-16-07 07:34 PM
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8. Kenmore city council races
If you live in Kenmore, you may be interested in my writeup of the candidates forum last week:

Kenmore has been targeted by the Christian Coalition as a city that it wants to have control over. Half of the city council and the city's mayor have financial backing by members of a Christ's Church of Kirkland and Bethany Bible Church. Christ's church brought in 200 people from outside of the city to hold signs on Bothell Way during the last election and members of this church and Bethany who lived outside of Kenmore gave up to 70% of total contributions to city council members.

The problem is that the city is planning a huge makeover of the downtown area and the city council does not appear to have a clue about how to carry out such a project. They have wasted millions of dollars already and the project hasn't even begun. They are pushing established businesses (that bring in good income) out of the city and they seem to think that once the project is completed, they will be able to convince new businesses to come into the city after they have shown that they are willing to abuse existing business owners--even to the point of putting people completely out of business.

I found out today that one of the things that's happening behind the scenes is that the city mayor, Randy Eastman, had an unsuccessful run for the state legislature a few years ago, and the Republican Party told him that they would back him if he ran for a local position, providing him with money and people, so he could build his resume. Once this project in Kenmore is finished, he is going to run for the state or U.S. legislature with full bakcing of the Washington State Republican Party.

The group that backs him used to have a Web site where they posted militant christian propaganda (it has since been taken down). One person told me that when they say onward Christian soldiers, they take the soldier part literally. The person I spoke to today said that he attended a powerpoint presentation at Christ's Church of Kirkland during the election two years ago where the presenter was showing people how to mark their ballots for the election (with a picture of the ballot with the "proper" selections shown on the screen).

If any of you know people in Kenmore, please point them to my diary. If they know more about city issues, they can send me e-mail or start their own diaries. Since so many people in Kenmore commute to Seattle every day, it's hard for people to get information about local politics. The Seattle Times hasn't done a good job of covering the area and the Kenmore Reporter is too small and it doesn't archive articles so it's hard for people to research past issues.


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