Victory Party, April 18th, in Seattle, from 6 p.m.
Lolly Bates and Mark Early have generously offered to host a WashClean Victory Party in their Seattle home. Please join us if you can! For others out-of-town: we'll celebrate again, together, at our Awards Dinner on June 21st.
Lolly Bates and Mark Early, 7738 34th Ave NW (above Shilshole, Seattle's Ballard neighborhood). ENTER from 33rd Ave NW - unless you enjoy climbing cliffs! Look for balloons and signs.
Details on the WPC Website Calendar
For Democrats: Legislative District caucuses are Saturday, April 5th, beginning at 9 a.m.
WashClean supporters: Please host an information table and help to spread literature.
Best flyer to use is on our website, here. it, make copies, recruit some WashClean friends, and let's spread the word that now, we can have Voter-Owned Elections in cities and towns!
To find your caucus location click here. advice and assistance, call our office or contact your local WashClean volunteer leader.
Similarly, Democratic county conventions are April 13 (King County) or April 19th (other counties).
Once again, this is an opportunity to host an information table, circulate information, and voice approval for resolutions in support of Voter-Owned Elections.
We're making progress! - on Voter-Owned Elections (VOE)
Did you know? ...
March 17th - WPC presented a briefing to the Seattle City Council, on how a VOE program might work in the city. Now Seattle's mayor and city council are appointing a task force working group to design a program and propose an ordinance for consideration by June or July. If it passes, the VOE proposal will go before voters this November. Conceivably, we could have a Voter-Owned Elections program available to candidates for next year's municipal elections! Hooray!
March 27th - WPC presented a similar briefing to the General Government Committee of the King County Council, followed by public testimony from WashClean supporters. As a result, a motion was approved, directing county staff to compile information on VOE programs and leading to a recommendation to the full council. This motion must be approved by the full council at their meeting, April 14th, meeting information.
This was followed up by good radio coverage and interviews with WPC: KUOW archive here. - King County and Seattle council members need to hear from local voters, asking them to proceed toward a Voter-Owned Elections program at the city and county level. Tell them: We support public financing for campaigns - and we want to see a program established, this year!
Contact King County Council members
Contact Seattle City Council members
Tacoma/Pierce County: A Public Forum on Voter-Owned Elections will be held Saturday, May 3rd, in Tacoma, at 9:30 a.m. The forum will include a panel presentation with Q&A, discussing what is VOE and how can we make it happen in Tacoma. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Tacoma/Pierce County (co-sponsored by WPC), Event information. County: Our WashClean chapter is coming out of hibernation (thanks, Harry A!), with presentations to legislative districts and a newly-established team, talking with local officials about the opportunity of a county VOE program in the next year or two.
Spokane and Eastern Washington: WPC's director met with numerous Spokane community leaders and supporters during a March 12-154th trip (thanks Rebecca!). And on March 14th during the same trip, Craig met with community leaders and activists in Pullman, organized by Eastern Washington Voters (thanks, Bryan!). Now, these WashClean folks are all laying the political groundwork to create Voter-Owned Elections programs in these towns when the time is right.
To become involved, contact your county leader, WPC Local Chapters or wpc {at}, 206-784-2522.
Wrap-up, Director's comment:
As we watch the disconcerting federal response to Wall Street meltdowns, food-farm policy, and policies governing energy, health care, environmental protection, media regulation, banking and more ... we know that the essential first step to change politics in America is to create public financing of political campaigns - to curb the undue influence of money - so that policy-makers work for the people, not the special interests.
This is what we're doing at a very local and statewide level - and we are making progress and getting results! It is the most important thing we can do.
If you get up in the morning as I do, and read the day's head-shaking news, tell yourself: I'm going to do SOMETHING today, to bring about public financing of campaigns, so that we can change the world!
Please support WPC's work with a contribution! - whatever you can afford.
Thank you!
Craig Salins, Executive Director
Washington Public Campaigns
wpc {at}