The people of Iraq and Afghanistan hate the U.S. occupation of their countries. These Pentagon wars have no support at home, and are ruining the domestic economy. Instead of pulling out, the Bush administration is preparing for still another war--this time against Iran.
This must be stopped! DEMONSTRATE: SAT., AUG. 2, 12 NOON, Federal Courthouse, 7th & Stewart 12:30PM, March to Westlake Center, Vigil til 3pm.
Initiated by: Stop War on Iran Endorsers: International Action Center, Voices for Palesine, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Olympia www.StopWaronIran.org To support or endorse call: 206-218-4417, jim {at} action-mail.org
Agression towards Iran is escalating
On June 4, George Bush, with Israeli Prime Minister Ahud Olmert at his side, called Iran a "threat to peace."
Two days before, acting as a proxy for the Pentagon, Israel used advanced U.S. supplied fighter planes to conduct massive air maneuvers, which the media called a "dress rehearsal" for an attack on Iran's nuclear facility. Under pressure from the U.S., the European Union announced sanctions against Iran on June 23: a bill is before Congress for further U.S. sanctions on Iran and even a blockade of Iran.
Iran "threats a hoax"
Iran as a "nuclear threat" is as much a hoax as Bush's claim of "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq used to justify the war there. The International Atomic Energy Agency, which inspects Iran's nuclear facilities, says it has no weapons program and is developing nuclear power for the days when its oil runs out. Iran has signed the Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty. Even Washington"s 16 top spy agencies issued a joint statement that said Iran does not have nuclear weapons technology!
The U.S. and Israel are the real nuclear danger.
Israel Strike would follow Bush's orders. Israel is the Pentagon's proxy strike force in the Middle East. No to U.S. war thru Israel! Support the Palestinian people's right to return!
War hurts the U.S. economy
While billions of dollars go to war, at home the unemployment rate is the hightest in 23 years. A U.S. war will bring only more suffering.
What we do right now can make a difference
The August recess of Congress gives the White House an opportunity for unopposed aggression against Iran. We must not let this happen. "Stop War on Iran!"