If you're in the Seattle/Puget Sound area and are interested in a town hall-type meeting regarding our health care crisis, there's an event tomorrow night. Here's the press release:
CodeBlueNow! Health Care Town Meeting
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bell Harbor Conference Center (Bay Auditorium)
Pier 66, 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle
Cost: $10 general public, free to students with valid ID.
Pay at the door or register in advance by calling (206) 217-9430
CodeBlueNow!, a national health care reform advocacy nonprofit, is hosting a Health Care Town Meeting with the Puget Sound public to discuss prospects for reform.
The Town Meeting features:
• A conversation with former governors Arne Carlson, R, MN and Richard Lamm, D, CO, and moderator C.R. Douglas of the Seattle Channel. Topics will include barriers and challenges to reform, as well as specific, vital elements of reform, and steps toward effective bi-partisan action that can result in an equitable, affordable, efficient and safe system. Some audience questions will be taken.
• Research results – the voices of more than 6,000 survey participants from across the country – conducted both online and by the Gilmore Research Group, showing more consensus on health care reform than commonly believed.
• Public launch of the Voters’ Health Care Platform, a template for reform that CodeBlueNow! will take to federal and state offices in 2009. The platform is based on statistically valid public opinion data.
The event is sponsored by the Northwest Physicians Network and The Seattle Foundation.
Co-presenters include: U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Faithful Reform in Health Care, King County Executive Alliance, CityClub, Leadership Tomorrow, Artist Trust, Washington Artists Health Insurance Project, Washington State Arts Alliance and Urban League.
More details are in the official invitation attached, or online at www.codebluenow.org.
CodeBlueNow! is a national, nonpartisan, grassroots, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Seattle, dedicated to engaging the American public to build consensus on health care reform nationwide.